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Headless Stone Statue


You came across a Headless Stone Statue while on your way to Zumion Canyon. Find its head.


Step 1. Find the head of the Stone Statue.

Step 2. Restore the Stone Statue’s head.

Category quest
Race Elyos
Location Verteron
Quest Level16
Required Level14
First seen in version:1.5
Updated in version:2.5
In-Game Link


XP: 12615

Iron Coin

Iron Coin

Available for Level 10 or higher

A coin awarded by Sanctum.

Additional Information

  • Click on the Headless Stone Statue to receive this quest.
  • Look for the Head of Stone Statue nearby.
  • Bring the Head back to the Headless Stone Statue.

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4 Responses to Headless Stone Statue

  1. jessie says:

    i try to bring back the head to the statue bat it said quest load fail

  2. jessie says:

    i think this quest is banned

  3. ClassicChick says:

    Try and change channels, if you can’t then wait for a server reset and try again!!

  4. Zappattazz says:

    Look for the missing head in the pond opposite where the statue. There is a fallen column you can walk up and down to the pond. The head is near the middle and submerged. Hover your cursor over the head and see the gear cursor appear, right-click on the head. I comes into your possession! Go back up the fallen column and back to the headless statue. Right-click on the statue and wait for the cutscene to follow. Nothing stunning but watch at the end when suddenly his head pops off again!

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