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Kaidan Capture


Kill the Occupation Commander and occupy the Kaidan Watchpost.


Step 1. Talk with TumblusenAn Aetheric Field Protector guarding the Eltnen ObservatoryThe observatory that monitors the flow of Aether all over the region of Eltnen.. His looks show the wisdom he has gained over the years. in Eltnen ObservatoryThe observatory that monitors the flow of Aether all over the region of Eltnen..

Step 2. Get rid of Occupation CommanderThe commander of the forces occupying Kaidan Watchpost. The commander is Kaidan Guerilla if these forces are Sapiens, and Eltnen Senior Guerilla if they are Asmodians. (x1).

Step 3. Report to Tumblusen.

Category quest
Race Elyos
Location Eltnen
Quest Level38
Required Level36
First seen in version:
In-Game Link


XP: 957871
Kinah: 135000

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