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Troublesome Promise


Vidohunir’s promise to Virhu may help her find peace. Go to Havenjark Cemetery and get a skull for Virhu.


Step 1. Go to Corpse in the Stone CoffinA body in the abandoned coffin in the Havenjark Cemetery. and get a SkullThe skull obtained from Corpse in the Stone Coffin. Scarecrows believe that they could be intelligent only if they had it. for VirhuA scarecrow that guards Polluted Waste’s field in Brusthonin. It wishes it were smarter.. (You need to collect: SkullThe skull obtained from Corpse in the Stone Coffin. Scarecrows believe that they could be intelligent only if they had it.)

Step 1.1 Talk to Vidohunir to start the quest.

Talk to Vidohunir to start the quest. thumbnail Talk to Vidohunir to start the quest. thumbnail Talk to Vidohunir to start the quest. thumbnail

Step 1.2 Go to Corpse in the Stone Coffin and get a Skull

Go to Corpse in the Stone Coffin and get a Skull thumbnail Go to Corpse in the Stone Coffin and get a Skull thumbnail

Step 2. Talk with Virhu.

Category quest
Race Asmodians
Location Brusthonin
Quest Level24
Required Level22
Drop ItemsSkull
Drop Probab.100%

Starting NPC


Need to complete the following quests first:
If I Only Had a Master
First seen in version:1.5
Updated in version:2.5
In-Game Link


XP: 117433
Kinah: 8540

Bronze Coin

Bronze Coin

Available for Level 20 or higher

A coin awarded by Pandaemonium.

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One Response to Troublesome Promise

  1. Cabroncete says:


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