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Murder, My Shugo


As Zephyros requested, get rid of the Aether carts and processed Odella in Haramel.


Starts at: Zephyros

NPC: Zephyros image 1 thumbnail
NPC: Zephyros image 2 thumbnail
NPC: Zephyros image 3 thumbnail

Step 1. Destroy Aether CartA cart found inside Haramel. It is used to transport the produced Aether.(x3).

Quest: Murder, My Shugo, step 1 image 464 thumbnail
Quest: Murder, My Shugo, step 1 image 465 thumbnail
Quest: Murder, My Shugo, step 1 image 466 thumbnail
Quest: Murder, My Shugo, step 1 image 467 thumbnail

Step 2. Burn Processed OdellaProcessed Odella found inside Haramel. It seems to be contaminated with a special chemical. with the Flame Orb(x3).

Quest: Murder, My Shugo, step 2 image 468 thumbnail
Quest: Murder, My Shugo, step 2 image 469 thumbnail
Quest: Murder, My Shugo, step 2 image 470 thumbnail
Quest: Murder, My Shugo, step 2 image 471 thumbnail

Step 3. Report the result to ZephyrosA Guardian protecting the Verteron Observatory at the Cantas Coast in Verteron. He really hates Potcrabs..

Ends at: Zephyros

Category quest
Race Elyos
Location Haramel
Quest Level19
Required Level16

Starting NPC


Finishing NPCZephyros
Need to complete the following quests first:
Shugo Indemnity
The Third Shugo
The Big Boss
First seen in version:2.0
Updated in version:3.0
In-Game Link


XP: 56400
Kinah: 13390

Selectable Rewards:

Zephyros’ Pauldrons

Zephyros’ Pauldrons

Can’t be traded
Can’t be stored in account warehouse
Can’t be stored in Legion warehouse
Available for Level 20 or higher

Physical Defense:28Evasion:48
Magical Resistance:36  

Magic Boost+3Maximum HP+15
BoostHate+-5%Maximum MP+67

Zephyros’ Shoulderguards

Zephyros’ Shoulderguards

Can’t be traded
Can’t be stored in account warehouse
Can’t be stored in Legion warehouse
Available for Level 20 or higher

Physical Defense:56Evasion:60
Magical Resistance:28  

dodge+2Maximum HP+15

Zephyros’ Spaulders

Zephyros’ Spaulders

Can’t be traded
Can’t be stored in account warehouse
Can’t be stored in Legion warehouse
Available for Level 20 or higher

Physical Defense:70Evasion:41
Magical Resistance:28  

Maximum HP+15parry+5

Zephyros’ Shoulderplates

Zephyros’ Shoulderplates

Can’t be traded
Can’t be stored in account warehouse
Can’t be stored in Legion warehouse
Available for Level 20 or higher

Physical Defense:84Evasion:33
Magical Resistance:21  

Maximum HP+15parry+5

Zephyros’ Magic Shoulderguards

Zephyros’ Magic Shoulderguards

Can’t be traded
Can’t be stored in account warehouse
Can’t be stored in Legion warehouse
Available for Level 20 or higher

Physical Defense:56Evasion:60
Magical Resistance:28  

Magic Boost+3Maximum HP+15

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One Response to Murder, My Shugo

  1. darius says:

    Is there any way to do it if i destroyed one cart before getting the quest?

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