Aion Source email database hacked

The hacking saga continues. All Aion Source forum members just received an email with the following contents:

It has come to our attention that during a recent attempt to hack our website, hackers may have gained access to email addresses used to register accounts here at We always value your safety, and strive to maintain your trust. We’ve comprised a list of ways to protect yourself and what to be on the look out for. DO NOT TRUST ANY EMAIL LINK that is related to your password for Aion Online or, always open your browser and type in the website address manually…

We value your time, and assure you we are doing everything in our power to prevent problems like this from affecting our network in the future. Your safety and ability to use our website worry-free is our top priority

If you have been a member of that forum please make sure that you do not click on any links whatsoever if you receive Aion related emails. The hack might produce phishing attempts of other nature as well so be extra careful about links in emails from sources you are not familiar with.

Aion Source forum was the largest gathering place for the Aion community and people at Aion Source did a huge service for the Aion community. Please make sure you support these guys, they did their best and the opponent is much more powerful than anybody thought. Also, I hope that official forums will get much more attention now and be brought up to speed ASAP.

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