Aion team announced today new auto-looting pet – Worg of Dead, which can be purchased in Aion Store
It’s not cuddly, but this snarling bundle of claws and fangs will be your new best friend. The Worg of the Dead might be undead, blood-soaked, and look as if it could eat other pets for breakfast, but it’s got more than just its awesome good looks. Your loyal worg will automatically loot your kills for you, so you’ll never overlook a spellbook or a dagger again.
After your purchase, you can apply your new pet to each character on your account. Then after you log in to the game, your character will receive a pet egg in the in-game express mail. Your character needs to visit the appropriate Daeva for your race (Amis in Sanctum or Erdil in Pandaemonium) to then adopt your new pet.
how do you get one? its not in the store i just checked
mate this pet was sold in the Pre-Ncoin Aion Store along with (last I checked) 12 other pets with the release of the Ncoin and the Truly Free(free to play) pets like these and the veteran rewards ones have became void, and you can no longer get them.
alot of the really cool seasonal Skins where removed with the release of the Ncoin too /sadface
right now you can two different pets from herer
if they still have keys, there are 3 other ones from a different site but I don’t know what it is