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 1 2 3 4 5  16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26  109 110 111 112 113 
Quest nameLevelLandRaceDetailed
Eerie Undead25ReshantaAsmodians
Fallen Warrior25ReshantaAsmodians
Honing Your Skills25Abyss Entry QuestAsmodians
Abyss General Knowledge25Abyss Entry QuestAsmodians
Following Through25Abyss Entry QuestAsmodians
A Sword Gone Astray25PandaemoniumAsmodians
A Helmet Gone Astray25PandaemoniumAsmodians
A Staff Gone Astray25PandaemoniumAsmodians
Combat Rations25PandaemoniumAsmodians
Combat Potions25PandaemoniumAsmodians
A Robe Gone Astray25PandaemoniumAsmodians
[Group] Eliminating a Suspect25TheobomosElyos
Meat the Viragos25TheobomosElyos
The Spice Must Flow25TheobomosElyos
An Ambitious Merchant25EltnenElyos
Sounds in the Night25EltnenElyos
Teach Them a Lesson25ReshantaElyos
[Group] General Destruction25ReshantaElyos
[Group] Cut Off the Head of the Class25ReshantaElyos
[Group] Weapons Inspection25ReshantaElyos
New Nochsana Orders25ReshantaElyos
[Group] General Mania25ReshantaElyos
[Group] Instruction Destruction25ReshantaElyos
[Group] Pilfering Prototypes25ReshantaElyos
Esoteric Book of Justice25SanctumElyos
Esoteric Book of Freedom25SanctumElyos
Esoteric Book of Illusion25SanctumElyos
Esoteric Book of Life25SanctumElyos
The Missing Laborers25BrusthoninAsmodians
The Elyos of Brusthonin25BrusthoninAsmodians
[Group] The Ikelus Manhunt25BrusthoninAsmodians
Parica's Special Order25BrusthoninAsmodians
An Important Message25ReshantaAsmodians
[Group] General Death25ReshantaAsmodians
[Group] The Draconute Instructor25ReshantaAsmodians
[Group] Prototype Weapon25ReshantaAsmodians
Nochsana Calls25ReshantaAsmodians
[Group] General Malevolence25ReshantaAsmodians
[Group] Training Terminated25ReshantaAsmodians
[Group] Weapons Wanted25ReshantaAsmodians
Kalsten's Recommendation25PandaemoniumAsmodians
Thialfi's Recommendation25PandaemoniumAsmodians
Ve's Recommendation25PandaemoniumAsmodians
Lyfjaberga's Recommendation25PandaemoniumAsmodians
Going Thrifting25OrielElyos
[Daily] Today's Find25OrielElyos
[Daily] Stem Cutting25OrielElyos
[Daily] Compost Program25OrielElyos
Its Rightful Owner25SanctumElyos
The Esoteric Book of Space25SanctumElyos
 1 2 3 4 5  16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26  109 110 111 112 113