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Quest nameLevelLandRaceDetailed
The Esoteric Book of Time25SanctumElyos
Something Old, Something New25PernonAsmodians
[Daily] Free to a Good Home...25PernonAsmodians
[Daily] Sprout It Out25PernonAsmodians
[Daily] Soiled Quest25PernonAsmodians
Possession Isn't Integrity25PandaemoniumAsmodians
Mezaina's Recommendation25PandaemoniumAsmodians
Machi's Recommendation25PandaemoniumAsmodians
[Daily] Kaidan Treasure25Kaisinel AcademyElyos
[Daily] That's Vine and Dandy25Marchutan PrioryAsmodians
[Event] Deco Doldrums25SanctumElyos
[Event] How about Paksigue?25SanctumElyos
[Event] Chitter-Chitter Glimma25PandaemoniumAsmodians
[Event] Parade Volunteering25PandaemoniumAsmodians
[Growth] Training Camp Trouble25ReshantaElyos
[Growth] Nochsana Infiltration25ReshantaAsmodians
Troubled Ciello25EltnenElyos
Faviolla's Request25EltnenElyos
For the Elyos25EltnenElyos
The Reason Why the Hero of Guardians Shines25ReshantaElyos
Befitting the Hero of the Guardians (for damage dealers)25ReshantaElyos
Befitting the Hero of Guardians (for mages)25ReshantaElyos
Troubled Arabella25MorheimAsmodians
Ziba's Request25MorheimAsmodians
For the Asmodians25MorheimAsmodians
The Reason Why the Hero of Archons Shines25ReshantaAsmodians
Befitting the Hero of Archons (for damage dealers)25ReshantaAsmodians
Befitting the Hero of Archons (for mages)25ReshantaAsmodians
Disappearing Aether26EltnenElyos
Spiner Pincers26EltnenElyos
Killing Crestliches26EltnenElyos
When Statues go Bad26EltnenElyos
Maeki Attack26EltnenElyos
[Gather] The Vital Ingredient26EltnenElyos
A Lepharist Box26EltnenElyos
Defeat 9th Rank Asmodian Soldiers26ReshantaElyos
Reaper Expertise26ReshantaElyos
Dagger of Love26ReshantaElyos
Pieces of Aether26ReshantaElyos
Earning Some Green26ReshantaElyos
The Nightmare Ghosts26ReshantaElyos
[Spy] A Letter to Medea26SanctumElyos
Never Short of Steel26SanctumElyos
A Package From Vulcanus26SanctumElyos
Getting a Grip26SanctumElyos
Nuts to Denegos26SanctumElyos
Spellbook Express26SanctumElyos
A Mended Robe26SanctumElyos
Reclaiming History26MorheimAsmodians
[Spy] The Spirit's Letter26MorheimAsmodians
 1 2 3 4 5  17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27  109 110 111 112 113