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 1 2 3 4 5  21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31  109 110 111 112 113 
Quest nameLevelLandRaceDetailed
Spring Water Essence30EltnenElyos
A Pain in the Nyerk30EltnenElyos
A Favor for Brirunyerk30EltnenElyos
Finding Drinking Water30EltnenElyos
Mother's Keepsake30EltnenElyos
Thanking Mabangtah30EltnenElyos
Journey to Agairon30EltnenElyos
[Group] The Four Leaders30EltnenElyos
Orders From Perento30HeironElyos
A Lost Memento30HeironElyos
Going For a Curry30HeironElyos
Defeat 5th Rank Asmodian Soldiers30ReshantaElyos
Scouting the Lake30ReshantaElyos
Sohonerk's Wish30ReshantaElyos
Junjunbinerk's Goodwill30ReshantaElyos
Ending the Ancients30ReshantaElyos
Uncharted Islands30ReshantaElyos
Wings of Mastery30SanctumElyos
[Expert] Weaponsmithing Expert30SanctumElyos
[Expert] Armorsmithing Expert30SanctumElyos
[Expert] Handicrafting Expert30SanctumElyos
[Expert] Cooking Expert30SanctumElyos
[Expert] Alchemy Expert30SanctumElyos
[Expert] Tailoring Expert30SanctumElyos
A Lucky Day30SanctumElyos
[Expert] Passion for Weaponsmithing30SanctumElyos
[Expert] Expert of Weaponsmithing30SanctumElyos
[Expert] Passion for Armorsmithing30SanctumElyos
[Expert] Expert of Armorsmithing30SanctumElyos
[Expert] Passion for Handicrafting30SanctumElyos
[Expert] Expert of Handicrafting30SanctumElyos
[Expert] Passion for Cooking30SanctumElyos
[Expert] Expert of Cooking30SanctumElyos
[Expert] Passion for Alchemy30SanctumElyos
[Expert] Expert of Alchemy30SanctumElyos
[Expert] A Passion For Tailoring30SanctumElyos
[Expert] Expert of Tailoring30SanctumElyos
A Bigger Warehouse30SanctumElyos
A Meeting with a Sage30Daevanion QuestElyos
A Sage's Teachings30Daevanion QuestElyos
A Sage's Gift30Daevanion QuestElyos
Another Beginning30Daevanion QuestElyos
A New Choice30Daevanion QuestElyos
The Hand Behind the Ice Claw30MorheimAsmodians
The Bottom of the Temple30MorheimAsmodians
[Group] All Nyerk and No Play30MorheimAsmodians
[Group] Sarinerk's Safety30MorheimAsmodians
[Gather] Thirteen Pieces of Ore30MorheimAsmodians
[Gather] Cabon's Request30MorheimAsmodians
A Picky Eater30MorheimAsmodians
 1 2 3 4 5  21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31  109 110 111 112 113