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 1 2 3 4 5  27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37  109 110 111 112 113 
Quest nameLevelLandRaceDetailed
[Event] Mega Kinah 5 - 5th Prize!30Atreia Happiness GuildElyos Asmodians
Refreshing the Springs31EltnenElyos
Fragment of Memory 131ReshantaElyos
[Group] Earning Marana's Respect31EltnenElyos
[Group] Siren Song31EltnenElyos
Practical Aerobatics31EltnenElyos
Expert Advice31EltnenElyos
[Gather] Untouchable Aether Crystals31EltnenElyos
Delivery For Vulcanus31EltnenElyos
[Gather] Ore for Hannet31EltnenElyos
Delivery for Hannet31EltnenElyos
[Gather] Magical Shugo Grass31EltnenElyos
Eliminating Ettins31HeironElyos
Resha's Special Stew31HeironElyos
A Message to Sakmis31HeironElyos
Tenacious Ibelia31HeironElyos
Vaizel Worg Hunt31HeironElyos
[Gather] Jewel of Passion31HeironElyos
Defeat 4th Rank Asmodian Soldiers31ReshantaElyos
Recruits for Nezekan's Shield31ReshantaElyos
Selling the Abyss31ReshantaElyos
Golem's Bright Marble31ReshantaElyos Asmodians
Treasure Hunter Kuenunerk31ReshantaElyos
Making Our Own Weapons31ReshantaElyos
Looking for Leibo31ReshantaAsmodians
[Group] A Curse-Breaking Clue31MorheimAsmodians
Harvesting Tripeed31MorheimAsmodians
Tripeed Monster31MorheimAsmodians
Combat Preparation31MorheimAsmodians
[Group] A Missing Bandage31MorheimAsmodians
[Gather] A Fragrant Tree31MorheimAsmodians
The Outlaw of Black Plains31BeluslanAsmodians
Leanor's Errand31BeluslanAsmodians
Defeat 4th Rank Elyos Soldiers31ReshantaAsmodians
Transparent Motives31ReshantaAsmodians
Vindachinerk's Pupils31ReshantaAsmodians
Minonerk's Heart31ReshantaAsmodians
Treasure of the Ancient City31ReshantaAsmodians
Seeking the Crystals31ReshantaAsmodians
Medicinal Purposes31ReshantaAsmodians
[Group] Marana's Worry31EltnenElyos
[Group] Bumpy Ride31EltnenElyos
[Group] The Snowflake Necklace31MorheimAsmodians
War of the Worgs31MorheimAsmodians
A Friend in Need31MorheimAsmodians
Delayed Order31BeluslanAsmodians
A Sick Shugo31BeluslanAsmodians
Unlikely Sources31BeluslanAsmodians
Between a Shugo and his Kinah31BeluslanAsmodians
The Ruins of Roah32HeironElyos
 1 2 3 4 5  27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37  109 110 111 112 113