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 1 2 3 4 5  53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63  109 110 111 112 113 
Quest nameLevelLandRaceDetailed
Something For Heirnir47BrusthoninAsmodians
Alas, Poor Groznak47BrusthoninAsmodians
Elim's Goodwill47BrusthoninAsmodians
The Alpha Alitaur47BrusthoninAsmodians
Retrieving the Contaminated Seeds47BrusthoninAsmodians
Message in a Bottle47BrusthoninAsmodians
Unusual Ingredients47BrusthoninAsmodians
Gathering the Herb Pouches47BrusthoninAsmodians
Jackdaw's Liquor47BrusthoninAsmodians
Lobnites on the Half-Shell47BrusthoninAsmodians
[Spy] A True Rest47BrusthoninAsmodians
Abandoned Mithril47BrusthoninAsmodians
Warehouse Keeper's Greed47BrusthoninAsmodians
Elim of Brusthonin47BrusthoninAsmodians
Incessant Pain47BrusthoninAsmodians
[Group] The Dredgion Captain47ReshantaAsmodians
[Group] Escape From the Dredgion!47ReshantaAsmodians
[Group] Chaos on the Dredgion47ReshantaAsmodians
[Group] Stalk the Auditor47ReshantaAsmodians
[Group] Capturing the Surkanate47ReshantaAsmodians
[Group] Damaging the Dredgion47ReshantaAsmodians
[Group] This Time It's Personnel47ReshantaAsmodians
[Group] Pressing the Attack47ReshantaAsmodians
[Group] The Curse of Agrif's Rage47PandaemoniumAsmodians
[Daily] Slaughtering Salt Fins47Alabaster OrderElyos
[Daily] Yuck...I Smell Kurin47Field WardensAsmodians
Brigadier Indratu48HeironElyos
The Calydon Ruins48TheobomosElyos
[Group] Negating Nagas48HeironElyos
[Group] Demoralizing Drakan48HeironElyos
[Group] Hanuman's Elite48HeironElyos
Suppressing the Bakarma Legion48BeluslanAsmodians
The Secret Passage48BrusthoninAsmodians
Ask Your Doctor About Ovisac48TheobomosElyos
Physician, Heal Thyself48TheobomosElyos
Blood Marks the Spot48TheobomosElyos
Rescuing Ruria48TheobomosElyos
The Statue in Port Anangke48TheobomosElyos
Elegant Fan48TheobomosElyos
The Riddle Poem48TheobomosElyos
Searching for the Crater48TheobomosElyos
In-Cider Trading48TheobomosElyos
Secret Dumpling Recipe48TheobomosElyos
Picky Ixion48TheobomosElyos
[Coin/Group] Brigadier Indratu48HeironElyos
Wrath of Sahnu48BrusthoninAsmodians
Lost Gift48BrusthoninAsmodians
Glossy Hoe48BrusthoninAsmodians
Jackdaw's Request48BrusthoninAsmodians
Captain's Hat48BrusthoninAsmodians
 1 2 3 4 5  53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63  109 110 111 112 113