Talk with Mani about the mysterious disappearances around the fortress. Objectives:
Step 1. Talk with ManiAn Archon Centurion in Beluslan Fortress. She has a very easy-going philosophy..
Click on the thumbnail to see the full sized image. Click on the thumbnail to see the full sized image. Step 2. Talk with PaeruA orphan in Beluslan Fortress. Leanor takes care of him..
Click on the thumbnail to see the full sized image. Click on the thumbnail to see the full sized image. Step 3. Look for clues in the pamphlet.
Click on the thumbnail to see the full sized image. Step 4. Investigate the Bridge of HeavenA bridge under the control of the Lepharists at the Malek Mine..
Click on the thumbnail to see the full sized image. Click on the thumbnail to see the full sized image. Step 5. This must be the Bridge of Heaven. Pick up Strahein’s trail.
Click on the thumbnail to see the full sized image. Step 6. Report back to Mani.
Click on the thumbnail to see the full sized image. Click on the thumbnail to see the full sized image. Step 7. Interrogate HammelA Lepharist prisoner held in Beluslan Fortress. He stubbornly refuses to talk, but maybe he just hasn’t been…properly persuaded..
Click on the thumbnail to see the full sized image. Click on the thumbnail to see the full sized image. Click on the thumbnail to see the full sized image. Step 8. Get the key from the Mine SupervisorA member of the Lepharist Revolutionaries supervising mine workers in the Malek Diggings. He carries a Port Key on him., find the Secret Port EntranceA secret passage leading to the Lepharists’ airship port., and save Strahein. (You need to collect: Port Key)
Click on the thumbnail to see the full sized image. Click on the thumbnail to see the full sized image. Click on the thumbnail to see the full sized image. Click on the thumbnail to see the full sized image. Click on the thumbnail to see the full sized image. Step 9. Report to Mani.
Click on the thumbnail to see the full sized image. Click on the thumbnail to see the full sized image. |
I’m currently working on this quest, attempting to get the key to drop off one of the Mine Overseers. I must have killed 10 to 12 so far, and still no key.
The droprate is definitely not 100%.
kill the elite, not regular ones
The mob that drops the key is called Supervisor, not overseer.
i cant see the panflet :S what can i do?
i need find the bridge of heaven
what the hell where for?
I just can’t complete this quest. When I arrive at the location of the Bridge of Heaven, it doesn’t complete, then I fly everywhere near there, kill everyone, but it doesn’t complete. Help me. =/
Same problem of Brunelli
u must kill Mine Supervisor then get the key … u must go on bridge of heaven and stay like in step4 photo 2 … then u must look up right or press j and look at campaign … then u must go get the liquor bottle … and u can look what’s next in this campaign … at enter on secret port entrace u must be lv 40 now to enter and get strahein …
and to see the pamflet u must double-click on the paper in your inventory
Get the Port Key from one of the non elite Mine Overseers’ – 2nd dropped
Soloed this quest as a 36 ranger, the investigate part, you need to click the green bottle on the bridge to complete that step, and for the key part, you can kill non-elite overseers to get it to drop.
i cant pick up Strahein’s bottle y cant i hlp
hey guys I killed the supervisor took the key and in the quest box it says that I have…. but when I got it I had full inventory and I don’t actually have it…. and I can’t report to mani…. I gess I have to do it again. Right?
I got the key instead of the pamphlet… O.O
lol i catch the key in the first guy i kill
How do I reset the quest? I threw the paper out of my inventory
Not even remotely soloable for non kite classes, tried as 39 gladi with krom weapon +10 and combined with attack speed and general blue gear full sockets. popped all cds and spammed pots, barely got him to 20% do not try to solo even if it says lvl36 quest (bullnyerk)
haahhaahahahh 39lvl plate cant do this quest????? You can do it on lvl 34-35 with sin/renger or even with sorc.
I can’t take that Liquer bottle on the bridge. Don’t you know why?