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A Secret Summons


It appears that High Priest Jucleas is looking for you. Go to the Lyceum of Sanctum to meet him.


Step 1. Talk with JucleasA Protector of Divinity in the Lyceum of Sanctum. The Empyrean Lords wanted to place a reliable person at the Lyceum. They appointed quiet and reticent Jucleas as the Protector of Divinity..

Step 2. Go to Reshanta and talk with NaniA Protector of Divinity at Teminon Fortress in Reshanta. She is unquestioningly faithful..

Category important
Race Elyos
Location Sanctum
Quest Level50
Required Level48
First seen in version:1.5
Updated in version:3.0
In-Game Link


XP: 1347585

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One Response to A Secret Summons

  1. Chuoi says:

    First of all, we have to talk with Leah in Sanctumn

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