Order: Stop the dangerous truth from leaking out. Objectives:
Step 1. Talk with AgehiaA Priest of Destiny serving Empyrean Lord Marchutan. She remains in Convent of Marchutan of Pandaemonium to fill in for the absent Empyrean Lord Marchutan. She always lives up to her word.. Step 2. Sign the Confidentiality CovenantA document that binds you never to disclose the truth behind the Cataclysm Israphel’s evil scheme..[collectitem]. Step 3. Talk with Agehia. Step 4. Deliver the Sealed Letter A letter from Sanctum to be delivered to Kahrun. It contains orders urging discretion. to KahrunA revered Reian Elder who has a mysterious past and wields remarkable power. He is based out of the Sarpan Capitol, from where he leads the Reian struggle against the Balaur.. Step 5. Talk with GarnonWith wisdom and insight far beyond her years, Ekios’ daughter has her own office in Sarpan Capitol. A natural diplomat, she has been assigned emissary to both Asmodian and Elyos forces. Because of this she’s very busy.. Step 6. Eliminate the Irksome RingleadersThe leaders of various groups in Tiamaranta that have become a thorn in Kahrun’s side. The most infuriating are Haunting KakaroA powerful Anubite in the Giant Crater., Danitur the RenegadeThe leader of the Traitorous Reians., Reclusive KrataThe head of the Dragonbound in Avad Village., and Ancient Elder ErmusThe undead and polluted soul of a former Reian Elder...
Haunting KakaroA powerful Anubite in the Giant Crater. (x1).
Danitur the RenegadeThe leader of the Traitorous Reians. (x1).
Reclusive KrataThe head of the Dragonbound in Avad Village. (x1).
Ancient Elder ErmusThe undead and polluted soul of a former Reian Elder. (x1). Step 7. Appease Kahrun. Step 8. Report to Agehia. Step 9. You hear MuninA prescient Daeva, now imprisoned in a crystal at the The Forsaken Hollow. He was exiled after some sort of accusations in Pandaemonium. calling. Go and see him. |