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Bound for Inggison!


Order: There’s a problem with the Inggison Obelisk. Lead reinforcements to the rescue.


Step 1. Talk with EremitiaA High Priest of Mirage serving Empyrean Lord Kaisinel. She remains in Cloister of Kaisinel of Sanctum until Empyrean Lord Kaisinel returns..

Quest: Bound for Inggison!, step 1 image 2126 thumbnail

Step 2. Talk with MachiahA wise scholar at Cloister of Kaisinel in Sanctum. He is a walking encyclopedia of knowledge on every subject..

Quest: Bound for Inggison!, step 2 image 2127 thumbnail

Step 3. Talk with BelliaA Protector of Illusion in the Lyceum of Sanctum. She teaches skills to Sorcerers and Spiritmasters..

Quest: Bound for Inggison!, step 3 image 2128 thumbnail
Quest: Bound for Inggison!, step 3 image 2129 thumbnail

Step 4. Go to JhaelasAn Aethertapping master residing in the Artisans Hall in Sanctum. Nobody knows more about Aethertapping than him. to obtain an Aether Wave Stone.

Quest: Bound for Inggison!, step 4 image 2130 thumbnail
Quest: Bound for Inggison!, step 4 image 2131 thumbnail

Step 5. Talk with SibylleA battleship crewmember and mechanic on an Elyos battleship..

Quest: Bound for Inggison!, step 5 image 2132 thumbnail
Quest: Bound for Inggison!, step 5 image 2133 thumbnail

Step 6. Obtain the Battleship Key ClymeneA merchant selling Stigma Stones. She is in the east room of Protectors Hall of Sanctum. is replacing.

Quest: Bound for Inggison!, step 6 image 2134 thumbnail
Quest: Bound for Inggison!, step 6 image 2135 thumbnail

Step 7. Talk with Sibylle.

Quest: Bound for Inggison!, step 7 image 2136 thumbnail
Quest: Bound for Inggison!, step 7 image 2137 thumbnail

Step 8. Board Sibylle’s battleship.

Step 9. Talk with OutremusElyos Leader in Inggison and Agent of Kaisinel. His prettiness has made him tough and enterprising..

Quest: Bound for Inggison!, step 9 image 2138 thumbnail
Quest: Bound for Inggison!, step 9 image 2139 thumbnail

Category mission
Race Elyos
Location Cloister of Kaisinel
Quest Level50
Required Level50
Need to complete the following quests first:
Lavirintos’s Call
First seen in version:1.9
Updated in version:3.0
In-Game Link


XP: 1513645
Kinah: 22760

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One Response to Bound for Inggison!

  1. dorinescuuu says:

    Well, I have a problem, I didn’t finish the quest and i died witout binding in Iggnision, and now I can’t go back.
    Any advices?:D

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