Kanensa said she would help you to receive the ceremony of the wise. Meet the preceptor of your class and listen to his advice. Objectives:
Step 1. Listen to the advice of Class PreceptorsPreceptors for each class found at the Capitol Building in Pandaemonium. The preceptors are Traufnir, Sigyn, Sif, Freyr, Hadubrant, and Brynhilde.. Step 1.1 Talk to Freyr Click on the thumbnail to see the original image. Click on the thumbnail to see the original image. Step 1.2 Talk to Traufnir Click on the thumbnail to see the original image. Click on the thumbnail to see the original image. Step 1.3 Talk to Sigyn Click on the thumbnail to see the original image. Click on the thumbnail to see the original image. Step 1.4 Talk to Sif Click on the thumbnail to see the original image. Click on the thumbnail to see the original image. Step 2. Go back to KanensaA Daeva of Wind who calls for a fair wind at the Airship Dock in Pandaemonium. People say that airships can take off and land safely in any weather thanks to her..
Click on the thumbnail to see the full sized image. Click on the thumbnail to see the full sized image. Step 3. Talk with Kanensa and choose the path you will walk from now on. Step 4. Fill up your DP, go back to Kanensa and receive the ceremony of the wise. Step 5. Get Daevanion armor from Kanensa. |
What are the path choices refering to?
How to collect a set? The quest close after you get one part.
You must level 5 chars to 30 level and finish the quest with each character.
but arnt the armor pieces nontradeble?
How to fill DP? i’ve tried killing mobs but its still holding at 0. maybe its server problem?
Im not playing retail.
They are trade able, you use your common area. This is the area that you can store items and have all of your characters on that account access them.
This is a joke, right?
lol i dont get the “this is a joke” comment. either way u helped me a lot. im playin on a pserver and the quest didnt tell me to fill DP. so ty and im makin more toons so i can complete set XD
Confirm on “Untradeable.Unsellable.Unable to store in Legion warehouse”… no mention of Account warehouse.
On the other hand: WOW! So… i have to raise 4 other clerics to lv30 for the hole set?! That’s…. kindda’ ugly.
What’s filling dp? what is that on about????
guys how to level another 4 characters for that armor set ??? are u serious ? that means another time wasted and money ??? that is really fooocked up quest !
aaa…and to take the quest for Courageous weapon I must get all 5 armor pieces ?
Fock off !!
Should i fill up DP to 4k or less?
I think 4k because i filled 2 and i cant finished quest 🙂 i try 4 tomorrow 🙂
I have filled up my DP twice to 4k and when I come back to here it disappears. Is there somewhere else I have to go to fill it up?????