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Class Preceptor’s Consent


You must receive the approval of six class preceptors to become a Miragent’s Holy Templar. Go to receive the signatures of Boreas, Jumentis, Charna, Thrasymedes, Oakley, and Dion on the recommendation letter, then buy and Oath Stone and ask High Priest Jucleas to perform the ritual of affirmation.


Starts at: Lavirintos

NPC: Lavirintos image 1 thumbnail
NPC: Lavirintos image 2 thumbnail

Step 1. Receive the signature of BoreasPreceptor of Gladiators and Templars. He is in the Protectors Hall of Sanctum. on the recommendation letter.

Quest: Class Preceptor's Consent, step 1 image 2159 thumbnail
Quest: Class Preceptor's Consent, step 1 image 2160 thumbnail

Step 2. Receive the signature of JumentisThe preceptor of Rangers and Assassins found in Protectors Hall of the Sanctum. When it comes to the study of poisons, no one else can compare. on the recommendation letter.

Quest: Class Preceptor's Consent, step 2 image 2161 thumbnail
Quest: Class Preceptor's Consent, step 2 image 2162 thumbnail

Step 3. Receive the signature of CharnaPreceptor of Sorcerers and Spiritmasters. She is in Protectors Hall of Sanctum. on the recommendation letter.

Quest: Class Preceptor's Consent, step 3 image 2163 thumbnail
Quest: Class Preceptor's Consent, step 3 image 2164 thumbnail

Step 4. Receive the signature of ThrasymedesPreceptor of Clerics and Chanters. He is in the Protectors Hall of Sanctum. on the recommendation letter.

Quest: Class Preceptor's Consent, step 4 image 2165 thumbnail
Quest: Class Preceptor's Consent, step 4 image 2166 thumbnail

Step 5. Receive the signature of OakleyThe Gunslinger Preceptor at Protectors Hall in Sanctum. on the recommendation letter.

Quest: Class Preceptor's Consent, step 5 image 2167 thumbnail
Quest: Class Preceptor's Consent, step 5 image 2168 thumbnail
Quest: Class Preceptor's Consent, step 5 image 2169 thumbnail
Quest: Class Preceptor's Consent, step 5 image 2170 thumbnail
Quest: Class Preceptor's Consent, step 5 image 2171 thumbnail
Quest: Class Preceptor's Consent, step 5 image 2172 thumbnail

Step 6. Receive the signature of DionThe Songweaver Preceptor at the Protectors Hall in Sanctum. on the recommendation letter.

Quest: Class Preceptor's Consent, step 6 image 2173 thumbnail
Quest: Class Preceptor's Consent, step 6 image 2174 thumbnail

Step 7. Take the Oath StoneA stone needed in making a vow of loyalty. It is sold by Perena and Ophenes of the Caps and Straps on the Divine Road in Sanctum. to High Priest JucleasA Protector of Divinity in the Lyceum of Sanctum. The Empyrean Lords wanted to place a reliable person at the Lyceum. They appointed quiet and reticent Jucleas as the Protector of Divinity. and ask him to perform the ritual of affirmation.

Step 8. Report to LavirintosThe Commander of the Miragent Holy Templars found in the Protectors Hall of Sanctum. As the first son of a family which has produced Daevas for generations, he has never doubted his life as a Guardian..

Category quest
Race Elyos
Location Miragent Holy Templar Quest
Quest Level50
Required Level45

Starting NPC


First seen in version:1.5
Updated in version:3.0
In-Game Link


XP: 5390338

Selectable Rewards:

Miragent’s Shoes

Miragent’s Shoes

Can’t be traded
Can’t be stored in account warehouse
Can’t be stored in Legion warehouse
Available for Level 50 or higher

Physical Defense:68Evasion:98
Magical Resistance:76  

Maximum HP+157Maximum MP+498
Magic Boost+15Magical Res+19

Hidden effect(s) activated when complete set is equipped.

Miragent’s Boots

Miragent’s Boots

Can’t be traded
Can’t be stored in account warehouse
Can’t be stored in Legion warehouse
Available for Level 50 or higher

Physical Defense:136Evasion:110
Magical Resistance:68  

Maximum HP+157Maximum MP+141
dodge+16Magical Res+19

Hidden effect(s) activated when complete set is equipped.

Miragent’s Brogans

Miragent’s Brogans

Can’t be traded
Can’t be stored in account warehouse
Can’t be stored in Legion warehouse
Available for Level 50 or higher

Physical Defense:170Evasion:91
Magical Resistance:68  

Maximum HP+157Maximum MP+141
Magic Boost+15Magical Res+19

Hidden effect(s) activated when complete set is equipped.

Miragent’s Sabatons

Miragent’s Sabatons

Can’t be traded
Can’t be stored in account warehouse
Can’t be stored in Legion warehouse
Available for Level 50 or higher

Physical Defense:204Evasion:83
Magical Resistance:61  

Maximum HP+157Maximum MP+141
Physical Defense+20Magical Res+19

Hidden effect(s) activated when complete set is equipped.

Miragent’s Magic Boots

Miragent’s Magic Boots

Can’t be traded
Can’t be stored in account warehouse
Can’t be stored in Legion warehouse
Available for Level 50 or higher

Physical Defense:136Evasion:110
Magical Resistance:68  

Maximum HP+157Maximum MP+141
Magic Boost+15Magical Res+19

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One Response to Class Preceptor’s Consent

  1. Cirana says:

    I couldn’t find the quest at the beginning in Aion Classic until I contacted the Support.

    The Quests ‘A Meeting with a Sage’ and ‘A Sage’s Teachings’ have to be completed before being able to accept the Questline, even if all Campaigns are already finished otherwise(What is also a Requirement).

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