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Costly Phobia


Warehouse Manager Lisola is worried that her warehouse might be attacked by the Brohums. She’s asked you to eliminate the younger ones.


Starts at: Lisola

NPC: Lisola image 1 thumbnail
NPC: Lisola image 2 thumbnail

Step 1. Go to the Aponos Brohum VillageA Brohum village built on the ruins of many past Brohum civilizations. and kill Brohie FighterA young Brohum of the Aponos Tribe.s and Brohie ArcherA young Brohum of the Aponos Tribe.s (x12).

Quest: Costly Phobia, step 1 image 3491 thumbnail
Quest: Costly Phobia, step 1 image 3492 thumbnail
Quest: Costly Phobia, step 1 image 3493 thumbnail

Step 2. Talk with LisolaA Warehouse Manager in Herbalist’s Campsite..

Ends at: Lisola

NPC: Lisola image 1 thumbnail
NPC: Lisola image 2 thumbnail
Category quest
Race Elyos Asmodians
Location Sarpan
Quest Level57
Required Level56

Starting NPC


Finishing NPCLisola
First seen in version:3.0
In-Game Link


XP: 4432902
Kinah: 71798

Kahrun’s Symbol

Kahrun’s Symbol

Can’t be traded
Can’t be stored in account warehouse
Can’t be stored in Legion warehouse
Available for Level 1 or higher

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