Order: Valerius received a report that something is wrong at the Outpost Ruins. Meet him and listen to the details. Objectives:
Step 1. Talk with ValeriusA Centurion assisting the Brigade General in Eltnen Fortress. He respects Telemachus so much that he followed him to the Fortress..
Click on the thumbnail to see the full sized image. Click on the thumbnail to see the full sized image. Step 2. Talk with LakaiasA Guardian Sentinel guarding the path from Manduri Forest in Eltnen to Outpost Ruins. He was transferred because he couldn’t adapt in the Abyss..
Click on the thumbnail to see the full sized image. Click on the thumbnail to see the full sized image. Step 3. Check the condition of the ArtifactA mysterious artifact in the Outpost Ruins. Ancient Caryatids are lurking nearby..
Click on the thumbnail to see the full sized image. Click on the thumbnail to see the full sized image. Step 4. Report to Lakaias.
Click on the thumbnail to see the full sized image. Click on the thumbnail to see the full sized image. Step 5. Kill Ancient CaryatidA statue guarding the Outpost Ruins. Valuable relics themselves, Caryatids are used to guard the Artifact.s, and bring any clues you find to Lakaias. (You need to collect: Revolutionary Symbol)
Click on the thumbnail to see the full sized image. Click on the thumbnail to see the full sized image. Click on the thumbnail to see the full sized image. Step 6. Talk with Valerius.
Click on the thumbnail to see the full sized image. Click on the thumbnail to see the full sized image. |
Easy soloable by Ranger 21.
easy soloable by shanter 19