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[Gather] An Egrasi Fence


Help Luke build a fence around Arbolu’s Haven.


Step 1. Obtain wood from EgrasiA wood with many uses. It grows throughout the Heiron region.s and take it to LukeA Daeva of Zephyr dispatched to Arbolu’s Haven in Heiron. He is a little tired of his frivolous colleagues.. (You need to collect: EgrasiA wood with many uses. It grows throughout the Heiron region. Log)

Category quest
Race Elyos
Location Heiron
Quest Level41
Required Level40
First seen in version:1.5
Updated in version:2.5
In-Game Link


XP: 2318395
Kinah: 42330

Gold Coin

Gold Coin

Available for Level 40 or higher

A coin awarded by Sanctum.

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One Response to [Gather] An Egrasi Fence

  1. erovaz156 says:

    Ah! Thanks a lot 😀

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