A wholesale Lepharist clean-up operation has been ordered by Brigade General Telemachus. Defeat the elites in the Lepharist Bastion and take their Golden Insignias to Laigas. Objectives:
Step 1. Defeat the Elite LepharistRefers to the elite Lepharists in the Lepharist BastionThe site that the Lepharist Revolutionaries have chosen to build their base.. They include Lepharist Assaulters, Lepharist Defenders, Assassins, Lepharist Healers, Sorcerers, and Lepharist Footsoldiers.s in the Lepharist BastionThe site that the Lepharist Revolutionaries have chosen to build their base., collect their Golden Lepharist InsigniaAn insignia that can be obtained by defeating Elite LepharistRefers to the elite Lepharists in the Lepharist BastionThe site that the Lepharist Revolutionaries have chosen to build their base.. They include Lepharist Assaulters, Lepharist Defenders, Assassins, Lepharist Healers, Sorcerers, and Lepharist Footsoldiers. in Lepharist BastionThe site that the Lepharist Revolutionaries have chosen to build their base..s, and take them to LaigasA Guardian in the outpost southwest of the Kuriullu Mountain in Eltnen. He regards Deurone with contempt because he can’t fight even though he is a Daeva.. (You need to collect: Golden Lepharist InsigniaAn insignia that can be obtained by defeating Elite LepharistRefers to the elite Lepharists in the Lepharist BastionThe site that the Lepharist Revolutionaries have chosen to build their base.. They include Lepharist Assaulters, Lepharist Defenders, Assassins, Lepharist Healers, Sorcerers, and Lepharist Footsoldiers. in Lepharist BastionThe site that the Lepharist Revolutionaries have chosen to build their base..) | Category | quest | Race | Elyos | Location | Eltnen | Quest Level | 38 | Required Level | 37 | | First seen in version: | 1.5 | Updated in version: | 2.5 |