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Numonerk’s Demand Note


Supervisor Numonerk wants to send a demand note to Une, who has not paid for the weapon she ordered. Go to the Verteron Observatory and deliver the demand note to Une.


Step 1. Talk with Supervisor NumonerkA supervisor who watches over Shugo workers in Verteron Citadel. He belongs to the Wind Breeze Shop..

Step 1.1 Talk to Stone to start the quest

Talk to Stone to start the quest thumbnail Talk to Stone to start the quest thumbnail

Step 1.2 Go to Supervisor Numonerk

Go to Supervisor Numonerk thumbnail Go to Supervisor Numonerk thumbnail

Step 2. Deliver the demand note to UneA Guardian Legionary stationed in the Cantas Coast..

Category quest
Race Elyos
Location Verteron
Quest Level21
Required Level19
First seen in version:1.5
Updated in version:2.5
In-Game Link


XP: 60300

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One Response to Numonerk’s Demand Note

  1. AmonRe says:

    Der gute steht nur bei tag ab 09:00 Uhr am Brunnen.

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