Order: Receive instructions from Leto to stop the Dukaki Kobolds from refining Odium. Objectives:
Step 1. Talk with LetoA Guardian dispatched from Verteron Citadel. She stands in front of the Nobelium of Tolbas Village..
Click on the thumbnail to see the full sized image. Click on the thumbnail to see the full sized image. Step 2. Defeat Dukaki MinerOne of the Kobolds mining Odium in the Dukaki Settlement.s (x9).
Click on the thumbnail to see the full sized image. Click on the thumbnail to see the full sized image. Step 3. Talk with Leto.
Click on the thumbnail to see the full sized image. Click on the thumbnail to see the full sized image. Step 4. Take the Striking Rod from Tursin BigmouthFound in the Dukaki Settlement. He keeps track of the timing of the Odium refining operation by hitting a bell with the Striking Rod. and ring the bell, then take potion from Overseer RedtumA Kobold found in the Dukaki Settlement. She’s in charge of putting chemicals into the pot in which Odium is refined. and pour it into the cauldron. (You need to collect: Striking Rod) Step 4.1 Defeat Tursin Bigmouth in the Dukaki Settlement. Click on the thumbnail to see the original image. Click on the thumbnail to see the original image. Click on the thumbnail to see the original image. Step 4.2 Ring the bell Click on the thumbnail to see the original image. Step 4.3 when you hit the bell Overseer Redtum will summon. Kill her and take potion Odium Solvent. Click on the thumbnail to see the original image. Click on the thumbnail to see the original image. Step 4.4 Pour Odium Solvent into the cauldron by clicking it in the inventory. Click on the thumbnail to see the original image. Step 5. Talk with Leto.
Click on the thumbnail to see the full sized image. Click on the thumbnail to see the full sized image. Step 6. Talk with SpatalosThe Fortress Commander of Verteron Citadel. He lost his wife and son in the Krall War, and has become correspondingly ruthless in his pursuit of victory..
Click on the thumbnail to see the full sized image. Click on the thumbnail to see the full sized image. |
Thanks took me a while to figure out where everything was :\
Thanks for those pics, had a hard time finding it all without them!
I agree….”Ring the bell”
WHAT BELL!!?!?!? lol
Where’s the bell?
I can’t target the rank!!! :S
I click on the bell and the bar stucks in the end.No mob appears,no nothing=/
Where is the cauldron one is supposed to pour the odium solvent into?
Been searching for it a full day without finding it
Just use the solvent in your quest bag up the hill next to the big cauldrons.
pfiu , ty dude got me some time to find the bell :))) , thanks
Hi, I have a bug with this quest but can’t find nowhere a subject about and so have no solution…
First I was in group with someone who had the quest and not me… This person get the Odium solvent from “overseen redtum”, so no problem… But when I took the quest after, it was impossible to obtain this item because in the quest list it said that I had already, but that was false… So I can’t finish the quest and can’t retry because it is a campaign quest you can’t give up…
Have someone an idea to help me ?
Sorry, forget it, I have finally found it in my inventory after reconnection…
I ve killed Tursin Bigmouth and it nevr drop Striking Rod any help??
Gotta kill more son
u killed a tursin loudmouth not big mouth
i’ve killed a lot of bigmouths (NO LOUDMOUTH) and can’t get the striking rod. any help?