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Play Nice with Your Toys


Feyos needs Petrahulk Specimens to fix her spell.


Starts at: Feyos

NPC: Feyos image 1 thumbnail
NPC: Feyos image 2 thumbnail

Step 1. Find Petrahulk SpecimenA piece of broken-down Petrahulk. These pieces are scattered around the Anaz Forest.s in the Anaz ForestA dense, lush forest in the west of Sarpan. and take them to FeyosStudying under Masios, she tries hard but often forgets things.. (You need to collect: Petrahulk SpecimenA piece of broken-down Petrahulk. These pieces are scattered around the Anaz Forest.)

Quest: Play Nice with Your Toys, step 1 image 3413 thumbnail
Quest: Play Nice with Your Toys, step 1 image 3414 thumbnail

Ends at: Feyos

NPC: Feyos image 1 thumbnail
NPC: Feyos image 2 thumbnail
Category quest
Race Elyos Asmodians
Location Sarpan
Quest Level57
Required Level56
Drop ItemsPetrahulk Specimen
Drop Probab.100%

Starting NPC


Finishing NPCFeyos
Need to complete the following quests first:
If It Looks Too Easy
Playing with Marbles
Break it Once, Shame on You
First seen in version:3.0
In-Game Link


XP: 4432902
Kinah: 65899

Premium Power Shard

Premium Power Shard

Available for Level 50 or higher

Using the power of Aether, this shard increases damage by 35 points. Double-click it to equip and press B key to activate or deactivate.

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