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Quieting the Karnifs


Karnifs hinder the Silver Mane tribesmen’s hunting. Hunt Karnifs for them.


Step 1. Remove the Karnifs which hinder hunting.
Hungry KarnifA fierce animal that lives near the Silver Mane Village.(x4)
Heartless KarnifA fierce animal that lives near the Silver Mane Village.(x6)

Step 1.1 Get the quest from NPC Kuriuta

Get the quest from NPC Kuriuta thumbnail Get the quest from NPC Kuriuta thumbnail

Step 1.2 Hunt 7x Hungry Karnif

Hunt 7x Hungry Karnif thumbnail Hunt 7x Hungry Karnif thumbnail

Step 1.3 Hunt 9x Heartless Karnif

Hunt 9x Heartless Karnif thumbnail Hunt 9x Heartless Karnif thumbnail

Step 2. Talk with KuriutaA Mau at Chaikata’s Hideout in Morheim. He is a faithful follower of Chaikata..

Category quest
Race Asmodians
Location Morheim
Quest Level38
Required Level36
First seen in version:1.5
Updated in version:2.5
In-Game Link


XP: 1301093
Kinah: 33060

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