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XP: 39750 Kinah: 9080
Naia’s Crystal Earrings
Additional Information
- Bracelet, necklace and ring are random drops with very low drop rate, especially bracelet. Dukaki Bruisers seems to be the best mobs for farming these drops.
Ring seams to be really rare to get for some reason…
The ring should be dropping from the cooks. You can find a couple cooks right next to Poppy (Missing Poppy quest)
Thank you Mikro! I killed like 100 mobs before reading your post. Frist cook killed gave me the ring.
Dukaki Watcher for necklace…
First kills for Watcher, Bruiser, and Cook gave all three pieces.
Dang it — been killing peons for almost 2 hours, was abot to head back to village and log, and I got agroed by a Bruiser…. killed it — dropped the Bracelet!?!?!?!?
kill dukaki smacker for bacelet
watcher and cook for nenackle and ring
I def noticed that Bruisers have a lower drop rate on their bracelets, and takes a few kills to get it.
The watchers dropped the necklace within the first two times, and the cooks have dropped the ring first go every time for me.
Ive done this quest 6 times now.
Necklace off a watcher. Took forever.
Although the quest specifies “Dukaki Settlement,” the drops will also come from the mobs in the mining area — that’s where I finally got the necklace.
The ring only drops from the cook, Kobold Cook, in the same camp!
Got Bracelet of a Bruiser
kill the cook, watcher, and bruiser around Poppy
any other seems to not drop any of the items
Haha, to make it clear:
Kobold Cook = Ring
Dukaki Watcher = Necklace
Dukaki Bruiser = Bracelet
Farm each one of those mobs for the respective items, and you’ll finish the quest in no time.
got a bracelet form a bruiser too
AHahahah….. xD…. it’s hard to drop ^^
Bruiser, Watcher and Cook drop all 3 items.
bracelet – bruiser
necklace – watcher
ring – cook
wew it take 1 hour to get necklace from watcher =,= some bug?