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The Kerubim Threat


Order: Kerubars are looting and pillaging Ager’s Farm. Find Muranes to receive your assignment.


Step 1. Talk to MuranesThe Mercenary Vice Captain that can be found between the Akarios Village and Cliona Lake..

Step 2. Defeat Smallhorn KerubFierce animals occupying Ager’s Farm to the west of Cliona Lake. They are also found everywhere in Akarios Plains.s (x5).

Step 3. Go back to Muranes.

Step 4. Obtain Kerubar FangThe fang of a Bigfoot Kerubar.s, and bring them to Muranes. (You need to collect: Kerubar FangThe fang of a Bigfoot Kerubar.)

Step 5. Meet the Mercenary Captain KalioCaptain of the Kalion Mercenaries. He can be found in front of the Nobelium in Akarios Village..

Category mission
Race Elyos
Location Poeta
Quest Level3
Required Level2

Drop Monster

Bigfoot Kerubar

Drop ItemsKerubar Fang
Drop Probab.100%

Starting NPC


Finishing NPCMercenary
First seen in version:1.5
Updated in version:3.0
In-Game Link


XP: 1000

Selectable Rewards:

Scout’s Shoes

Scout’s Shoes

Can’t be traded
Can’t be stored in account warehouse
Can’t be stored in Legion warehouse
Available for Level 4 or higher

Physical Defense:9Evasion:24
Magical Resistance:17  

Maximum MP+18  

Scout’s Boots

Scout’s Boots

Can’t be traded
Can’t be stored in account warehouse
Can’t be stored in Legion warehouse
Available for Level 4 or higher

Physical Defense:18Evasion:36
Magical Resistance:9  

Scout’s Brogans

Scout’s Brogans

Can’t be traded
Can’t be stored in account warehouse
Can’t be stored in Legion warehouse
Available for Level 4 or higher

Physical Defense:23Evasion:17
Magical Resistance:9  

Additional Information

  • Converse with Muranes to start this quest.
  • Defeat 5 Small Horn Kerubs in the area.
  • Report your results to Muranes.
  • Retrieve 5 Kerubim Fangs from Big Horn Kerubs.
  • Report your results to Muranes.
  • Converse with Mercenary Captain Kalion for your reward.

  • The best place for hunting Big Foot Kerubim is Ager’s Farm – north/west of Cliona Lake.

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One Response to The Kerubim Threat

  1. molotovsan says:

    Please i have a bug in the Kerubar hunt ,i have kill dozens of Kerubar but nothing to loot .And also they are still telling me to talk to Muranes but it dont refressh.
    Please help

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