Aion is a visually stunning massively multiplayer online roleplaying game (MMORPG) where your character wields devastating powers and sweeping wings to explore a celestial world of breath-taking beauty and epic adventure. It features cutting-edge imagery, gorgeous environments, and a unique fantasy world. Your character plays a pivotal role in the fate of Atreia, where the enemy is not only the other player faction but a deadly ancient evil as well.
So you spend about 100k (Divine Lamp) for 150k exp? That’s it? Or maybe there’s more to it about the “Daevanion Quest” type.
you get a lv30 Blue Armor Item.
Be sure that your DP is filled. You will need it on the followup quest.
As Syxty said, and more :
This quest must be the weirdest one in aion..
You get a lvl 30 armor item, the whole set gives bonus stats.
However to get the whole set complete, you need to train 5 characters to lvl 30 !!
It seems that you can change the armor type from say leather to plate, however I got that from third party information, no idea how that works out..
Real easy:
You get a BLUE lvl 30 armor item, the whole set gives bonus stats (each additional piece give better additional stats), and the bonus stats are awesome for a 30lvl character!
However to get the whole set complete, you need to train 5 characters to lvl 30!! – TRUE
It seems that you can change the armor type from say leather to plate – costs something like 63k kinah per piece to switch armor over.
I personally think the armor looks like poo, but just change the armor skin for a little kinah and have and full blue set of armor that is awesome and looks like you want.
3 yrs later, the real response. You must complete this in order to move on to the level 50 Daevonian Armor set (Fenris). Some folks get the full set to rift with a character, never leveling that character past 34.
The Fenris Daevonian armor set at level 50 is (used to be) one of the best starter armor sets you could get from 50 to about 58. It is still a dang good set of armor, I still have it on my Chanter because it looks so dang good. You will want to complete this on your main character in order to get the Fenris set. Unless you completely bypass Fenris and get only coin armor. Which is viable, Fenris is better though imo.