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Vanar’s Flattery


Vanar asked you to deliver Bundle of Orders to Tobu because he had too much paperwork. Go to Tobu.


Step 1. Deliver the package including the fruit to TobuAs the Second-Boss of the Ulgorn Raiders, he is Ulgorn’s right hand. He stands with Ulgorn at the center of Aldelle Village. He is very smart and good at figures..

Category quest
Race Asmodians
Location Ishalgen
Quest Level3
Required Level1
Need to complete the following quests first:
Meeting the Fruit Quota
Sparkle and Shine
First seen in version:1.5
Updated in version:2.0
In-Game Link


XP: 950
Kinah: 690

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One Response to Vanar’s Flattery

  1. Dave says:

    I don’t know why, i’ve got all the fruit but Tobu won’t complete the quest !

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