Jupitor has another long list of Sandstorm Targets for you: Brigade General Naduka, Brigade General Basrasa, Brigade General Satra, Merciless Lamaz, Kichikor the Militant, Colossal Geodenos, Crystaltusk Erubes, and Rumbling Enzique. Objectives:
Step 1. Eliminate one of the Balaur Brigade GeneralThis refers to a Naduka Legion Commander Brigade General Naduka, Basrasa Legion Commander Brigade General Basrasa, or a Satra Legion Commander Brigade General Satra.s or Formidable CreatureMerciless Lamaz, Kichikor the Militant, Colossal Geodenos, Crystaltusk Erubes, and Rumbling Enzique in Gurriki Swamp, Blue Quartz Valley, and the Siege Troop Garrison.s (x1). Step 2. Report back to JupitorA Sandstorm Member in Rancora Fortress.. | |