Shugo Imperial Tomb is an instance similar to tower defense games. Your main objective is to protect the towers and hold your defense against waves of enemies that will try to destroy them. You can enter the instance by speaking to Indiana Jonshunerk, who can be found in main Cities.
As soon as you enter Shugo Imperial Tomb you will be transformed into a Shugo and receive special abilities only available inside the instance.
Instance info
- Instance time reset: 22h
- Lvl range: 51-60
- Players: Two or Three
Abilities inside the instance
Stage 1
Stage 2
Shugo Venom: usage costs DP 1000 – Up to 8 enemies in radius of 10 meters will receive additional 339 damage for a duration of 10s every 1s.
Stage 3
Magic Mirror: Usage costs DP 2000 – Cast reflective shield on towers. Reflect all attacks back to enemy for 8s.
The istance
The Shugo Imperial Tomb has three levels that should be completed. Each level is much harder than the previous one, and contains more difficult enemies to defeat. Once you enter the instance you will be transformed into Shugo warrior. Your personal stats and skills are not usable in the instance, since you get a new skill bar after the transformation. Damage amount is equal for all players regardless of level.
Stage 1 “Tomb of the Crown Prince”
This stage has 3 waves of “Tomb Robbers” enemies. At the end of the second and the third wave, the enemies become much stronger. During this fight your group should be positioned at the top of the stairs, to the left and to the right, where are the enemies’ spawn points.
- Honest Kobold Labourer – easy to kill use Normal strike to defeat them.
- Wild Kobold Foreman – use Shar Blow for this one.
- Large Kobold Labourer – Mini boss at the end of the second wave has a Binding Blow ability, that will incapacitate you for a few seconds. Easy avoidable by getting out of his range.
- Strong Kobold Foreman “Boss of the Grave Robbers“ – Boss at the end of the third wave has two abilities Ice cloud stroke and Stunning blow, which can stun or immobilize you for a couple of seconds. Easy avoidable by getting out of his range.
After the first and the second wave, defeat all Tomb Faerie ASAP, since they drop items that will make the further fight much easier.
Stage 2 “Tomb of the Empress”
In this stage you will be transformed into Shugo Veteran with new skill “Shugo Venom“. One of your group members should be positioned to the left, and the rest of the group should be on the right side of the room.
- Honest Kobold Labourer
- Wild Kobold Foreman
- Krall guard – Hard to kill, use AOE spells on grouped NPC’s. Usually spawn in the middle of the room, after defeating the mini boss.
- Krall grave Robbers – Fast units, spawn in the middle of the room from time to time.
- Elite Krall Guard “High Ranking Mastermind of the Grave Robbers” – Mini boss has Binding Blow.
- Elite Krall General “High Ranking Boss of the Grave Robbers” – Boss at the end of stage two, with Stunning blow.
Stage 3 “Tomb of the Emperor”
This is the last stage of the instance, and you will be transformed into Shugo Elite Warrior. Enemies will spawn on the left side, on the right side and in the middle of the room. In this part you should consume jelly food to restore DP, in order to use the fifth skill “Aetheric Field“. Use the skill when a lot of enemies attack your towers, and mostly on bosses.
- Honest Kobold Labourer
- Wild Kobold Foreman
- Krall guard – Hard to kill uses AOE spells on grouped NPC’s. Spawns in the middle of the room, after defeating a mini boss.
- Krall grave Robbers – Fast units, spawn in the middle of the room from time to time.
- Krall General – Very strong unit
- Retu Eru “Influential Mastermind of the Grave Robbers” – First boss in this stage, has Binding Blow. Use Reflecting Aetheric Field spell against him.
- Rediar Mobu “Leader of the Grave robbers” – Last boss in the instance has Flames of madness ability “Meteors that drops from sky on each tower“. Use Reflecting Aetheric Field to prevent damage, and Icy cold Stroke – frizzes all enemies around him, stay out of his range to avoid this.
Special Consumables
Drops from bosses and from Tomb Faeries. During the instance, you should determine a player, who will use Cursed Chill and Spell of Healing.
Killing the bosses will reward you with keys, map pieces and medals. Combine four different map pieces to get a Medal.
NOTE: All keys and map pieces will disappear once you leave the instance, except the keys bought on Black Cloud Marketplace
- Bronze Medal of the Crown Prince
- Silver medal of the Empress
- Emperor’s Gold Medal
In order to enter the treasure rooms, you will need one of three different Tags: Gold, Silver or Brass. Each of the medals represents a tag. Map pieces can be found on the various bosses that appear in the stages. If you find all 4 pieces, you can combine them to earn a random Tag. You can also earn Tags by defeating the final boss of Stage 3. The Tag you earn determines the treasure room you can enter and there will be 3 tags on the boss.
- Stormwing Weapons
- Stormwing Equipment
- Mithril Medals
- AP Abyssal Relics – can be exchanged for Abyss Points at certain vendors in the Abyss.
- AP Acient Crowns -can be exchanged for Abyss Points at certain vendors in the Abyss.
- A temporary pet named Acarun, which produces Composite Manastones L60 and one Crown per day.(3 days duration)
- Dramata’s Wings
- Dramata’s Bone Wings
Wing rewards
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