Aion patch 2.0 goes live in Korea

We are getting our own test servers today (as announced by this news post), while at the same time Korean Public test Servers are seeing the release of the much anticipated Aion version 2.0. The patch notes are 38 pages long! Western team is working diligently on translating these into English, French and German and we should see the release of these in the next few days (early next week is the time line we are looking at here). We’ll let you know as soon as we have the news. Things are picking up in Aion and the upcoming months look to be rather exciting.

What we know of the patch is that it will bring:

  • Level cap 55
  • New Balaur Zones
  • Pet System
  • New flying/gliding mechanics
  • New Fortress

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One Response to Aion patch 2.0 goes live in Korea

  1. Nicki says:

    I can’t wait to see all the new goodies! 😀


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