List of Aion servers and other news

The names of both North American and European retail launch servers has been released. 24 servers at launch – woooooo. Friends and legions can now organize themselves much easier. Feel free to tell us what server you will be playing in the comments. I think we’ll be on Gorgos, but this decision is not final.

Some people asked what times will be prime-time for fortress raiding and we are all waiting for that answer.

In the meantime game got patched to and I believe this was a GameGuard patch that should help with some issues (and cause new ones – if you are getting GameGuard error with ????? as description try restarting your PC). Also, if you are getting “You cannot run any more clients” Sebastian “Ayase” Streiffert said

Try to go to your connection agent and switch connection type to NDIS, then re-connect. (With “connection agent” I mean any connection manager that may have come from your internet provider.)

While poking around your PC to get Aion started again, feel free to watch the interview people made with Lani Blazier, associate producer of Aion, in which she showcases some basics of the game as well as brand new lands (Dark Poeta) and bosses (with her uber pimped character).

You can also celebrate that Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia will get Aion EU access and will not be connected to the Russian release.

North American ServerTimezone
[East] AzphelGMT-5
[East] IsraphelGMT-5
[East] LumielGMT-5
[East] MarchutanGMT-5
[East] TrinielGMT-5
[East] ZikelGMT-5
[West] ArielGMT-8
[West] KaisinelGMT-8
[West] NezekanGMT-8
[West] SielGMT-8
[West] VaizelGMT-8
[West] YustielGMT-8

European Server LanguageServer

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