Find out how the Lepharist Revolutionaries are using the Artifact. Meet Telemachus to receive your mission. Objectives:
Step 1. Talk with TelemachusA Brigade General in charge of the Eltnen Fortress. Although he looks young, he is a battle-hardened veteran who ascended sometime near the Cataclysm..
Click on the thumbnail to see the full sized image. Click on the thumbnail to see the full sized image. Step 2. Go to Lepharist BastionThe site that the Lepharist Revolutionaries have chosen to build their base. and find the Civil EngineerAn engineer known to be locked up in the Wooden Prison at the Lepharist Bastion in Eltnen. He is frightened..
Click on the thumbnail to see the full sized image. Click on the thumbnail to see the full sized image. Click on the thumbnail to see the full sized image. Step 3. Escort the Civil Engineer to either the Secret ExitA small cave on the western cliff in the middle of the Lepharist Bastion. or the Forgotten PassageAn abandoned passage in the northernmost part of Lepharist Bastion..
Click on the thumbnail to see the full sized image. Click on the thumbnail to see the full sized image. Click on the thumbnail to see the full sized image. Step 4. Report to Telemachus.
Click on the thumbnail to see the full sized image. Click on the thumbnail to see the full sized image. Step 5. Talk with XenophonA military researcher who studies at the Library of the Sages in Sanctum. Known to be a brilliant strategist..
Click on the thumbnail to see the full sized image. Click on the thumbnail to see the full sized image. Step 6. Talk with YuditioAn explosives specialist at the Warehouse Construction Site at Teminon Landing. He’s new to the field, but eager to learn..
Click on the thumbnail to see the full sized image. Click on the thumbnail to see the full sized image. Step 7. Report to Telemachus.
Click on the thumbnail to see the full sized image. Click on the thumbnail to see the full sized image. Step 8. Talk with LaigasA Guardian in the outpost southwest of the Kuriullu Mountain in Eltnen. He regards Deurone with contempt because he can’t fight even though he is a Daeva..
Click on the thumbnail to see the full sized image. Click on the thumbnail to see the full sized image. Step 9. Blast the Stolen ArtifactIt is reported to have been seen in the Lepharist Bastion. with the Aether ExplosiveA powerful explosive made by manipulating Aether itself. It devastates the entire area 5 seconds after its been set..
Click on the thumbnail to see the full sized image. Click on the thumbnail to see the full sized image. Step 10. Talk with Laigas.
Click on the thumbnail to see the full sized image. Click on the thumbnail to see the full sized image. Step 11. Report to Telemachus.
Click on the thumbnail to see the full sized image. Click on the thumbnail to see the full sized image. |
can you put a pics here also??
Pics please 🙁 I cant find the secret exit…
Images are uploaded 🙂
Guys, this is awesome! great tips thanks a lot ! i was so stuck on this one…
how do i make the engineer to follow me???
thanks a lot
you dotn need to make the ingenier follow u
But when im near the secret exit, how could the mission be done? I mean, i’ve discovered both passage but im still at point 3 and dunno how to continue… Someone can explain to me how to do it?
How i came to Yuditio on Step 6? xD
How do i blow up the artifact without dieing? 😛