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XP: 874200 Assassin reward: Flash Longbow
Chanter reward: Courageous Shield
Cleric reward: Courageous Shield
Gladiator reward: Courageous Spear
Ranger reward: Flash Longbow
Sorcerer reward: Shrewd Jewel
Spiritmaster reward: Shrewd Jewel
Templar reward: Courageous Shield
When i tryed to get this q so NPC told me that I need full deva set for it. Where is a problem with (preq, thix q, deva set ? 😮 ) Iam very tahnakfull for answer.
You need the full Deva armor set from A Sage’s Teachings quest. Since that’s nearly impossible to get, this quest is null and void 😀
Not impossible. 5 ALTS. Start grinding. Enjoy.
Just level 5 sorcerers. yay. Fast leveling.
Sum up, how can I get this Q???????????????????????/// please ….
u just need
5 lvl 30’s on 1 account same server
then get 5 parts
dump them in ur account warehouse
take them out with the toon u want the set on
buy some deava light or something in shop go to npc to switch armors around to what u want
equip the set
take the weapon quest from same npc who give u the armor quest
so u need a Daeva set to be able to start the daeva weapon quest
i alrdy complete d set and i alrdy bought divine light.. but my problem is i cant use d NPC who exchange d daeva set…
wat should i do to take d quest for d weapon den…
That means you need to make 5 chars so you need to lvl 4 and delete 1 at a surten point sins you can only have 4 chars, damn that sucks 🙁 no any other way to get the set complete??
I know this reply is a bit late, but for anyone who reads this, the NPC to change your weapon quest is one of the preists standing next to the Daeva who gave you the ascension ceremony when you hit lvl 10. (This applies to both Elyos and Asmodae)
May be late that I said but better be safe than sorry. I noticed that none has mentioned that you DO NOT need to have a full daevanion set to acquire this quest any longer so you just have to get this quest from the same person that gives you the daevanion piece of the set and get it done. Good luck 🙂
Well, if you are not totally foggy, the NPC that gives you this quest SPECIFICALLY tells you that you need the entire Daevonian Armor set ON YOUR CHARACTER (means you need to have it equipped) in order for the quest to trigger.
So, Kaeltheron, buy some glasses please 😀
this is quite possibly the dumbest quest that I’ve seen on an RPG game. Who is going to make 5 toons of the same starting class just to earn a blue weapon? Although the armor is nice, you would have to be a complete fool to complete this quest. GL out there.
Is waste of time and…usseles armure and weapon.
I have 2 set and is good for 30 lv but for 36(change silver coin for armure and weapon for 36 lv)
is TOTALLY USSELES…is weak…you can’t go forward with this armure more that ..35 lv(is max in my opinion)
So..if you want one good set of armure for(ONLY FOR LV 30-35)lv 30-35 make this quest 5 time with 5 different characters…enjoy 5 lv…30-35 and then CHANGE YOUR THIS SHIT with other more good for lv 36(silver coin..or buy from brocker…or what you want but change this shit)
STUPID GAME..(i still play this shit)….sad….this game it may be best but..is not becouse some idiot.
I forgot….i try to get second armure (i said i have 2)for make one probe(for see)….armure bonus is for each or over all and…..yes is over all not for each one.
So…totaly usseles and totaly stupid mision(like many other)
I don’t believe it is a completely useless quest, though this is just my opinion.
1. You will have a set of armor and a weapon for any noob you have or make in future and can easily exchange for the type they need, so you don’t *have* to make the same class unless you want to. Particularly nice for those who cannot afford to dump millions of kinah into a set at lvl 30 or even 35. Yes, there is the coin rewards/rank gear, but they don’t last nearly as long throughout your progress, and frankly, they don’t look as nice.
2. Look at it this way: when all is said and done, you will have 5 different (if that is your choice) classes to play with that are halfway to the current level cap (60). If you don’t like one class, or get bored, simply switch! Surprisingly, it does not take long at all to level 5 toons to 30. After getting my first to level 40, I broke down and decided I wanted to do the quest, just to say I did it, and to have some cute looking armor 😛 Since then, it’s taken me just 2-3 days per alt. (For reference, the classes I leveled are: Ranger, Gladiator, Templar, Cleric, Chanter).
3. Leveling 5 alts gives you more game experience, and in my opinion, a bit of bragging rights, shown-off by a nice set of gear. As seen in previous posts just on this thread, not everyone goes through with it…so even if the gear ever outlives its usefulness to you, you can always have it as a reminder of your accomplishment- a trophy, that shows your dedication to the game.
4. At the very least, if you have leveled all your toons, or just decided to stick with a few, you can (I think), always turn a set into a skin, so you keep the look if you like it. Of course you would be limited to one set, so you’d have to choose wisely, but it’s a last resort/idea at the very least. I could be wrong about the skinning, if so please let me know.
Again, this is based from my personal experience, and is just an opinion. I found while reading previous posts, many seem to have a negative outlook. Had I read this before I was nearly finished with my 5th toon, I might have been discouraged enough not to even try. To any of you feeling that way, or on the edge of a decision, I say go for it. There really is nothing to lose.
[Side note: Arian…your comment aggravates me. While it is obvious to me that you do not like Aion, there are some of us…many of us who do, and while criticisms are welcome, they need to constructive. Yours, was nothing more than a e-rage. Do everyone a favor, also. If you insist on rambling endlessly, do so in a manner which we can understand. Your English is tarnished, much like your attitude. ]
If anyone wants to be friends in Aion, or if you want to bitch me out, my character name and server info is below. 🙂 Please send me a mailed request. <3
Character: Anhara
Server: Siel
I’m in agreement with the first people above. The quest is crap because the woman I went to see about this only let me take one piece of armor. How can I do the weapon quest if I can’t have all 5 pieces of armor without creating 5 characters?! This is ridiculous.
lol, someone didnt read all the posts……..(Karin)
you have to make 5 toons then get them to lvl 30
do the quest to get 5 pieces of armor, that is 1 piece per toon
then put all those pieces in your account warehouse
then take them out for the toon you wish to use them on
then go and exchange the pieces to make a full set of Daevanian Armor
then you can accept the quest for the weapon