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Krall Book


You found a book explaining a method of refining Odium. Deliver the book to Leto in Tolbas Village.


Step 1. Deliver the book to LetoA Guardian in front of the Nobelium of Tolbas Village in Verteron. She was dispatched from Verteron Citadel. in Tolbas Village.

Step 1.1 In the north part of Dukaki Settlement is a scroll Order of the Dukaki Tribe on top of a stump.

In the north part of Dukaki Settlement is a scroll Order of the Dukaki Tribe on top of a stump. thumbnail In the north part of Dukaki Settlement is a scroll Order of the Dukaki Tribe on top of a stump. thumbnail In the north part of Dukaki Settlement is a scroll Order of the Dukaki Tribe on top of a stump. thumbnail

Step 1.2 Click on it to take the scroll

Click on it to take the scroll thumbnail

Step 1.3 Double click the scroll in your inventory to start the quest.

Double click the scroll in your inventory to start the quest. thumbnail Double click the scroll in your inventory to start the quest. thumbnail

Step 1.4 Take the book to Leto in Tolbas Village

Take the book to Leto in Tolbas Village thumbnail Take the book to Leto in Tolbas Village thumbnail

Category quest
Race Elyos
Location Verteron
Quest Level16
Required Level14
First seen in version:1.5
Updated in version:3.0
In-Game Link


XP: 22275
Kinah: 2860

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One Response to Krall Book

  1. tonytiogn says:

    where to get the book???

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