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Let No Tether Remain


To prevent the undead from resurrecting, their contaminated possessions must be incinerated. Destroy the undead in the Besfer Ghost Village, collect the contaminated objects, and take them to Eldir at the incinerator.


Step 1. Destroy Weeping BansheeA Banshee found in the Besfer Ghost Village. It weeps because it bears unrequited grudge.s, Pale BoggartAn undead child in the Besfer Ghost Village. It roams around the village and attacks Humans on sight.s, and Decaying ZombieAn undead villager in the Besfer Ghost Village.s. Collect the contaminated objects and take them to EldirA torch keeper at Besfer Refugee Camp in Beluslan. He takes his work very seriously. for incineration. (You need to collect: Banshee Apron)

Category quest
Race Asmodians
Location Beluslan
Quest Level37
Required Level36

Drop Monster

Weeping Banshee
Pale Boggart
Decayed Zombie

Drop ItemsBanshee Apron
Boggart Hat
Zombie’s Plow
Drop Probab.100%
Very High
Need to complete the following quests first:
Undead Wildlife
First seen in version:1.5
Updated in version:2.5
In-Game Link


XP: 910765
Kinah: 35300

Suspicious Green Sack

Suspicious Green Sack

Can’t be traded
Can’t be stored in account warehouse
Can’t be stored in Legion warehouse
Available for Level 40 or higher

A pouch of random enchantment stones.nDouble-click it to open.

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One Response to Let No Tether Remain

  1. Anarchaos says:

    This quest name is changed to “Let No Tether Remain”.. BTW Please fix the search bug. If you search for the quests which you changed names with the new name, search can’t find them. You can find them if you type their old name.
    E.g. “[Group] Three Evil Sword Fragments” >>>”[Group] Three Fragments of Agrif’s Rage”

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