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Taloc’s Heart Full of Soul


Reemul says he can expand Stigma slots. Get rid of creatures inside Taloc and collect pieces of Taloc’s Soul to have him expand yours.


Starts at: Reemul

NPC: Reemul image 1 thumbnail
NPC: Reemul image 2 thumbnail

Step 1. Collect pieces of Taloc’s SoulA sample of extremely unstable Aether. You can obtain them from a Kinquid, Queen Mosqua, or Celestius living inside Taloc. and bring three to ReemulA Stigma master in the Inggison Illusion Fortress. The prized student of an Elyos Stigma master, he traveled alone to Balaurea to surpass his teacher.. (You need to collect: Taloc’s SoulA sample of extremely unstable Aether. You can obtain them from a Kinquid, Queen Mosqua, or Celestius living inside Taloc.)

Quest: Taloc's Heart Full of Soul, step 1 image 3034 thumbnail
Quest: Taloc's Heart Full of Soul, step 1 image 3035 thumbnail
Quest: Taloc's Heart Full of Soul, step 1 image 3036 thumbnail
Quest: Taloc's Heart Full of Soul, step 1 image 3037 thumbnail
Quest: Taloc's Heart Full of Soul, step 1 image 3038 thumbnail
Quest: Taloc's Heart Full of Soul, step 1 image 3039 thumbnail
Quest: Taloc's Heart Full of Soul, step 1 image 3040 thumbnail
Quest: Taloc's Heart Full of Soul, step 1 image 3041 thumbnail
Quest: Taloc's Heart Full of Soul, step 1 image 3042 thumbnail

Category significant
Race Elyos
Location Greater Stigma Quest
Quest Level52
Required Level52

Drop Monster

Queen Mosqua

Drop ItemsTaloc’s Soul
Drop Probab.100%

Starting NPC


First seen in version:1.9
Updated in version:3.0
In-Game Link


XP: 5647915

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One Response to Taloc’s Heart Full of Soul

  1. Gnan says:

    How to go in.!! KAO IMNOGO TOGA U VOJ IGRI NE RADI!!!

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