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The Maltese Odium


As Moofrenerk requested, collect Odella for his old friend Manos.


Starts at: Moofrenerk

NPC: Moofrenerk image 1 thumbnail
NPC: Moofrenerk image 2 thumbnail
NPC: Moofrenerk image 3 thumbnail

Step 1. Collect OdellaWell-grown Odella cultivated in Haramel. and take it to ManosAn old man living in Verteron Citadel. He is the father of Qydro and the brother of Belbua.. (You need to collect: New OdellaWell-grown Odella cultivated in Haramel.)

Quest: The Maltese Odium, step 1 image 427 thumbnail
Quest: The Maltese Odium, step 1 image 428 thumbnail
Quest: The Maltese Odium, step 1 image 429 thumbnail
Quest: The Maltese Odium, step 1 image 430 thumbnail

Ends at: Gaurinerk

NPC: Gaurinerk image 1 thumbnail
NPC: Gaurinerk image 2 thumbnail
NPC: Gaurinerk image 3 thumbnail
Category quest
Race Elyos
Location Haramel
Quest Level19
Required Level16
Drop ItemsNew Odella
Drop Probab.100%

Starting NPC


Finishing NPCGaurinerk
First seen in version:2.0
Updated in version:3.0
In-Game Link


XP: 94500
Kinah: 33480

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One Response to The Maltese Odium

  1. Yoru says:

    Jak se dostanu na to pole?

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