Aion Life quest database in German

Celebrating yesterday’s retail release of Aion in Europe, we’re proud to announce that we have made available our quest database in German as well. You can see the quests in German at You can also use our advanced quest search in the sidebar in German if you click on the little flag there. Regular search should also find German articles as well.

We have just started our internationalization of the quest database, but we thought we better provide you with these even with some English left, rather than leave you with no help in German whatsoever. We will be trying to introduce the French version of our quest database as well in the upcoming days.

Here’s our official announcement to the German community:

Liebe deutsche Aion-Spieler!

Obwohl wir wissen, dass wir mit keine Konkurrenz machen können, möchten wir Euch mitteilen, Datenbankquests auf Deutsch gemacht zu haben, mit Bildern und eingehenden Erklärungen dazu. Die Internationalisierung der Site ist noch im Werden. Wir hoffen jedoch, unsere Site wird Euch auch in jetziger Form beim Spielen behilflich sein.

Freundlicher Gruss von,

Aion Life

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1 Response to Aion Life quest database in German

  1. Jasdemi says:

    Google translator ftw! xD

    I could translate your stuff properly next time, if you want. Just let me know.

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