When you hit level 30 Fire Temple will become an important instance for you. You can access it very often – a lockdown is 30 minutes from the moment you enter the instance, you have a very good chance to get your first gold loot and it’s a really good way to get XP.
Fire Temple Quests
The Fire Temple can be accessed from Morheim for Asmos, and from Eltnen for Elyos. The instance is actually located in Morheim so the quests that will take you to the Fire Temple will be marked as [Spy/Group] for Elyos.
- Elyos – In order to enter the Fire Temple you must obtain a Fire Temple Key. A quest must be completed by everyone in the party, or you will not be able to enter the instance. The best drop rate for the Fire Temple key is at night, outside the Kyola Temple entrance from Raging Obscuras mobs.
Hannet’s Lost Love
[Spy/Group] Finding Denlavis
[Spy/Group] Hannet’s Vengeance
[Spy/Group] Mirror, MirrorThe Shadow’s Command
Mace Making Materials
Interfering Skyrays
A Strange Turn of Phrase - Asmodians have a mission guest [Group] The Three Keys inside Archonis Sky Temple composed of three rooms in each you have to find a key.
[Group] An Ancient Weapon
A Captive Flame
[Group] Secret of the Flame Stones
[Group] Re-sanctifying the Temple
[Group] Kalgolem Crystals
Kyola Temple Boss – Lichna the Cruel
Before you enter the Fire Temple Instance take a look if there is a Named Temptress Lichna the Cruel inside Kyola Temple. This boss has also a very nice loot – blue and green weapons level 30.
![]() Level: 35 HP: 38838 Rating: 4 dot Elite | ![]() Loading… Loading… Loading… Loading… Loading… Loading… Loading… Loading… Loading… Loading…
Where is The Fire Temple Entrance
The Fire Temple entrance is a door in the basement of Kyola Temple in Eltnen. When you enter Kyola Temple go through the door on the right side (just faster access). In the first room (Thorntail Skyray and Shadow Bloodwing mobs) go right again. At the other end of the second room (Inflamed Temptress and Chaotic Temptress mobs) you will see another door, go through that door and go all the way to the other end of the room where you will see the entrance portal to get in.

The Fire Temple Map

Lava Gatneri – The Fire Temple Boss
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Blue Crystal Molgat – The Fire Temple Boss
![]() Level:34 HP:59988 Rating: 5 dot Elite | ![]() Loading… Loading… Loading… Loading… Loading… Loading… Loading… Loading… Loading… Loading… |
Silver Blade Rotan – The Fire Temple Boss
![]() Level:36 HP:49966 Rating: 5 dot Elite | ![]() Loading… Loading… Loading… Loading… Loading… Loading… Loading… Loading… Loading… Loading… Loading… Loading… Loading… |
Broken Wing Kutisen – The Fire Temple Boss
![]() Level:36 HP:66220 Rating: 5 dot Elite | ![]() Loading… Loading… Loading… Loading… |
Tough Sipus – The Fire Temple Boss
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Black Smoke Asparn – The Fire Temple Boss
![]() Level:35 HP:47735 Rating: 5 dot Elite | ![]() Loading… Loading… Loading… Loading… Loading… |
Flame Branch Flavi – The Fire Temple Boss
![]() Level:34 HP:45264 Rating: 5 dot Elite | ![]() Loading… Loading… Loading… Loading… Loading… Loading… |
The Fire Temple Last Boss
The last boss has two forms Kromede the Corrupt and Vile Judge Kromede. Vile Judge Kromede is another version of the last Boss in Aion’s Fire Temple instance. This version has a slightly higher chance of dropping epic loot.
To get to the last boss, take the left path but be careful not to fall into the lava. You will not die but there is no way out. If you want to avoid unnecessary fights go left or right and kill the mobs, instead of fighting through the middle of the room. When you clean your path, you can easily pull Kromede a side without aggroing other mobs in the room.
Kromede has very nasty AoE attacks so healers and rangers should stay back as far as they can. She also summons suspicious objects that explode causing additional AoE damage. You have a few seconds to kill them before they explode. They are easy to kill, so it’s a perfect moment for Gladiator to use Seismic Wave skill chain. The rest is tank and spank.
Video of my wife (lvl 37 Gladiator) and I (lvl 35 Chanter) killing the last boss in Aion’s Fire Temple instance. We have managed to clear the instance up to the last boss all by ourselves. The endevour took about 2 hours and we were so happy that the boss dropped some good loot. The boss later on dropped a gold sword for the missus, so it was well worth the time (and the XP was great).
Kromede the Corrupt – The Fire Temple Last Boss
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Vile Judge Kromede – The Fire Temple Boss
![]() Level:37 HP:214644 Rating: 4 dot Elite | ![]() Loading… Loading… Loading… Loading… Loading… Loading… Loading… Loading… Loading… Loading… Loading… Loading… Loading… Loading… Loading… Loading… Loading… Loading… Loading… Loading… Loading… Loading… |
Lava Gatneri can also drop Gold items! White Flame Jewel 🙂 I got this 1 time
WOW! Nicely detailed guide, thank you! 😀
Actually both Lava Gatneri and Black Smoke Asparn can drop gold weapons… the white flame weapons… most of which have almost the exact same (if not the exact) specs as all the Kromede weapons. They drop gold weapons for every class, including the extendable weapons. Most Aion databases list these gold weapons if you’re curious about stats. If you’re going to FT for weapons, you should see if either of these mobs are up. For the most part they are easier to deal with than Kromede. The drop rate of weapons from these mobs is about the same as Kromede – so don’t count on getting anything. There have been reports of weapons for each class.
White Flame Staff droped from Lava Getneri 🙂
“you have a very good chance to get your first gold loot”
I call shenanigans. I’ve never seen epic gold loot drop in the dozens of times I’ve ran the instance. I should be, “You have a very slim chance to get your first gold loot.”
Compared to your chances of getting gold loot in places other than Fire Temple at that level the chances are very good. The chances are somewhere around 5% and out of some 10 runs Srna and me ran there solo she got a gold sword out of it. Granted, you could be running the instance for 40 times and not see a gold drop and in that regard the chances are very slim.
I have a question concerning the Kromede and what happens when she is pulled. I was told that she is aggroed at range, and then she will come directly to you (i”ve seen this now many times). My question is, when she is pulled and then stopped short of being far enough to the right (facing her as the room is entered) is it true she will not move from that spot (or move again at all in any direction … even if the tank uses every aggro ability they have while inching back). I looked all over for information on the web concerning this with no luck. Do you know? I may have to tank her in the future, making this information very useful. Tks! Avendar