1.9 patch notes revealed

European and North American office “super secret” meeting took place today and major v1.9 game improvements were announced.

  • New skills for every class (including new skills specifically for countering stun attacks)
  • Dozens of daily quests with different objectives and rewards
  • New quests, increased quest rewards, and increased instance drop rates
  • Dredgion enhancements
  • Max item enchantment increased to +15
  • An increase in experience gain (including a new experience bonus system: Energy of Salvation)
  • Soul Healing, Soul Binding, and Flight Transportation cost decreases
  • A mechanic that allows two two-handed weapons to be combined to create one more powerful two-handed weapon
  • Looking for group (LFG) functionality improvements
  • Numerous user interface improvements

In parallel, big press conference was held in Korea to announce these same changes and their release to Korean test servers. Full patch notes are over 20 pages long and will be released later this week. You can read the official announcement here.

20 pages long!

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