Aion guide for WoW players aka the beginner’s guide

Being a long time WoW addict (read that as ex-addict, stopped playing around 6 months ago) and considering that most of the MMORPG players out there probably played WoW at some point I thought I give you 10 tips that will make your life easier. I will focus on the specifics of the Aion gameplay mechanics that every player should know, so this can also be considered a beginners guide for anyone, not only WoW players. The list will go “less important” tips to the most important differences and it starts with:

10. Changing Channels

In starting areas Aion has multiple instances of the same land so it may happen that you and your friends end up being in the group yet in different channels (instances) and can’t “see” each other. To fix this you all need to change to the same channel (as the image below clearly depicts)

9. Quests and Quest givers

Aion has two main types of quests: Mission quests, that carry the main storyline with you being the focal point, and Normal quests, of your regular XP farming variety. NPCs are scattered around quest hubs and major towns and are giving out hundreds of quests. Mission quests often start when you reach a new level or a new land. Our Quest Database can be of great help in finding all quests in an area.

NPC with this mark over their head have a new quest for you
You have a quest in progress with this NPC
You have finished a quest at this NPC and can claim your reward
There is a new/in progress Mission quest at this NPC
You have finished a Mission quest at this NPC and can claim your reward

8. Comma is your best friend

Very early in the game you will notice that you need some time to regenerate your health/mana. This can be done by consuming potions or if you have special skills. Use “,” key to sit down and your regeneration will increase substantially. To avoid big downtimes and money sinks, comma is your best friend.

7. Private Store, best place to sell your private … stuff

There is an auction house system in Aion – the NPCs are called trade brokers and you can put your stuff up for sale there for several hours/days. There is, however, another way to present your goods to other players. It is private stores that you can setup anywhere in the world. You just press the Y key and choose the goods you want to sell and Click on the start button. You can also enter the description of things that you are selling and those will appear above your character. You can go AFK and most likely your goods will sell in the meantime.

6. Orange is the new purple

Items are colored according to their rarity. And just like in WoW greens drop often, Blues drop rarely or from bosses and if you stumble across an orange drop, please don’t vendor it, it’s not vendor trash, it’s Unique/Epic item.

5. Guilds Legions Raid group Alliances

Guilds are called Legion in Aion and they have their own storage space as well as levels. Alliances represent “group of groups” or raid groups. You will run into these fairly early in the game forming to PvP with the opposing faction.

4. Crafting

The crafting system in Aion lets you gather all materials without learning special crafting skills. You can also work on all available professions, but you can become a Top
Expert in only one. The important thing to note about Aion’s crafting is that you can fail when extracting/crafting an item.

3. Flying/Gliding

At level 10 you become Daeva and gain your wings. From that moment on you can fly and glide through the game. Press the flight button to start flying:

The green bar displays how long you have for flying. You can press space while flying to start gliding. While gliding in that mode your remaining Flight time doubles. The handiest thing to master is to glide while not flying. This can be done in non flying areas. You double-tap your Space bar while on a slope and you will start flying and moving faster than when walking. You can cover long distances this way or catch up with fleeing enemies.

2. Movement buffs

You can just stand in front of your enemy, like a log, or you can move around while fighting and Aion will reward you with special movement buffs. Moving forward will add to your damage (but decrease defense). Moving backwards increases your defense considerably (but your attacks dwindle) – good for waiting for that big skill to cooldown. Moving sideways will increase your Evasion. The buff you currently have is displayed below your character.

1. NyerkNyerkNyerk

Nyerk is a special word used by the merchant race of Shugo. It expresses dissatisfaction or negative attitude towards something. A lot of people are using it in the Aion community forums so don’t get confused :P.

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10 Responses to Aion guide for WoW players aka the beginner’s guide

  1. hehe says:

    a kanw otan gamaw a

  2. Lisa says:

    As a WoW player for 2.5 years who left to start Aion, this was very helpful! Thank you!

  3. Stella says:

    Lol, this was awesome, thanks! I’ve been struggling to find out what the eck is alliances and legions =D!

    Ty ty; Most helpfull 🙂

  4. Bahjim says:

    I play wow now and have been for 3 years an just got aion on this Christmas day. This guide made me want to play this game but I still thinkbthat wow is better because I like raiding and bilzzars is more focused on providing new raid content. Ncsoft os more focused on pvp content.

  5. Shadow says:

    @Bahjim: So you are in basic: A, oki doki. NCSoft doesn’t need those anyhow. PKers(aka The Reds) FTW, down with pve’ing carebears.

    Good guide, but you can find same on Aion armory, or Aion wiki in about 15min.


  6. Steef says:

    Thanks very much for this guide, not a WoW player, EQ2 here, but this explained a few things to me, namely gliding and movement buffs 🙂

  7. Allen says:

    Awsome man just what i was looking for to start playing aion been playing wow for about 5 years and was deperatly looking for a change XD

  8. Rixs says:

    Insightful and crisp. Thxs

  9. Lightwolf says:

    Every noob should read this before they start playing. Thank you.

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