Aion Open Beta Server maintenance

The servers have been brought down for about 10 minutes to implement a fix for a bug that was preventing you from getting experience and looting after a certain time. They should be back up real soon so no panic people! Presumptions are that there some remnant from the Chinese version of the game that prevents players from gaining exp after spending more then 3-4 hours in the game – but that is just a wild guess.

Update … While we were waiting for the servers to go up Aion community Manager aion_ayase entertained the players over twitter. Here’s an outtake:

While we reboot the servers I suggest taking the time to pet your cat, water your cactus and call up your mother to tell her you love her.

Perhaps look out the window and enjoy the birds singing, or perhaps toss a coin down to the lonely beggar on the street.

I hear Canada doesn’t have birds,o nly owls, in which case I suggest reading up on bird language.They make formidable conversation partners.

(still a bit to go before the servers are up – bear with us)

Servers are now up. Thanks for your patience, folks. Now go back to playing. *shoo*

The servers are up? Off to level then 😛

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One Response to Aion Open Beta Server maintenance

  1. Jonathan says:

    how do i access beta server, I bought game and down loaded the torrent file 9. somthing gigs, now what n where and how? i thought before i started this i was a smart guy, but i have been proven wrong can u tell me

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