Aion’s newly appointed producer addressed the community today with a monthly update of where the game is at the moment and what their plans are for the future. Chris himself admits that:
… at times you may feel like you’re wringing water out of a rock in regard to getting information from us, but we want to be cautious with telling you the correct information to not mislead the community. We are in constant communication with our development and production staff, and we really want to share with you more information on a regular basis, but due to scheduled release timing, localization efforts and Western development schedules, we aren’t always able to share what we’d really like to.
The following list of things to come is confirmed for sure in this address:
- The first bigger game update will be coming in Q2 this year
- more content at lower levels
- increased rewards for quests
- improved drop rates
- server transfers are coming (as a paid service at least)
You can read the full letter to the community on the official site.