Social fail weekend aka double xp

Apparently, there’s an overwhelmingly positive response of the Aion community to the double XP weekends because NCSoft is introducing another one of these, mere two weeks after the last one. Aion Life’s scientific team sat down to determine why the community likes double XP weekends so much. The image above is the result of their 2 month research that cost hundreds of millions. You guys check out when double XP weekend starts on your server below, while we feed our science team to the alligators.

NA East Coast Servers—Starts at 8:00 p.m. EST


NA West Coast Servers—Starts at 8:00 p.m. PST


NA Oceanic Server—Starts at 8:00 p.m. AEST


European Servers —Starts on Friday, February 26th, at 7:00 p.m GMT

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3 Responses to Social fail weekend aka double xp

  1. Nicki says:

    I know what I’ll be doing this weekend! 😀

  2. Alcor says:

    Well….. About that picture: Sure Math does not lie, but if u put wrong numbers on wrong places, thats not math at all…. “XP*2 = Grind/2” ????? That means in words: double xp for half grinding…
    think about that…. thats just not true at all! either u get double xp for SAME grind-time, or u get same xp for HALF grind-time.

  3. Mikro says:

    It was an attempt at a humorous error that was made on purpose. The idea was that double xp results in grind being cut in half. Put in mathematical terms it gives a wrong equation, hence the humor (it was humorous to me at the time – I obviously fail at that).

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