New official Aion forums on the way

As you might or might not know, the forums on the official Aion site were custom made for the game. It is in essence a good idea if you have a perfect development team working 24/7 on developing those forums and introducing new features regularly. This was not the case with Aion. Not the case at all. Thankfully, Aion team has been able to deliver on their promises and the old forums will be replaced with a brand new shiny ones that actually work as intended. Make sure you backup your favorite threads somewhere because there will be a complete wipe without any transfer. Of the old forums I only loved the images people posted of their characters and in game scenery. I hope someone save those. The full announcement can be read here and the excerpt from Tamat’s announcement follows:

I know you’ve all been waiting patiently for more information about the new forums, thankfully, it’s finally time to let you know what we have up our sleeves. We’re going to begin migrating the forums over to vBulletin in the next couple of weeks. By the middle of April, the new forums will be ready and the current boards will be shut down.

“So what does this mean” you ask? Well, we’re finally going to have forums with all of the features you’ve come to expect. Features including:

  • Developer Tracker
  • Signatures
  • User Control Panel
  • Private Messaging System
  • Thread Subscriptions
  • Calendar
  • Spam Protection
  • Custom Titles

…and much, much more!

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One Response to New official Aion forums on the way

  1. Anonymous says:

    Excellent post! Keep up the good work.

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