Today NCsoft announced that Aion new content Update 2.6 will be live on the test servers on July 28th and will be released on the live servers on August 3rd.
Highlights include:
- The “Crucible Challenge”, a solo version of the Empyrean Crucible instance, with a bonus round!
- A new auto-party matching system for Nochsana Training Camp, Fire Temple, Steel Rake, Draupnir Cave, Dark Poeta, Udas Temple, Lower Udas Temple, and the Empyrean Crucible instances!
- Difficulty level adjustments to Dark Poeta, Empyrean Crucible and Beshmundir Temple!
- A new pet, the Runaway Poppy, which has a chance to provide its master with Platinum Medals!
- New conditioning stones to make your gear even better!
- Improvements to boss looting in Fire Temple and Steel Rake. You might receive a gear box as your loot, which will have an item that is applicable to your class.