Mo’ Kinah Mo’ Problems

We begin this week with an excellent Aion themed podcast. They have just released their second episode and its a very knowledgeable show giving great tips on crafting, grinding and making Aion kinah the right way. Whether to quest grind, elite mob grind or spend time on crafting to make kinah is all covered in the second episode. Make sure you subscribe to the official “Grind it Out” twitter account or you can subscribe to the podcast at PodOmatic.

In other news, recently appointed Aion’s Producer, Chris “Kinslon” Hager, answered a few question regarding the stun defense system and daily quests coming in 1.9. This is first in a mini series of interviews he’ll be having concerning the soon to be released game update and we’ll keep you posted about sequels. Read the full article here.

Along with 1.9 patch info there’s always a plethora of rumors regarding the so-called patch 2.0 that should bring improved graphics engine and even more content (basically, lots of things seen in the “Vision trailer”). Screenshots of various armor appeared on fan forums. Originating from what seems to be the Chinese Aion site ( we can see new lvl 55 cloth armor as well as undetermined cloth, chain and leather armor that can also be seen in the vision trailer. You can see screenshots in our gallery bellow, while the original two threads where I spotted these are here and here, and there is also a Polish blog that has the screenshots posted here. NOTE: These are all still rumors and unconfirmed by any official source. Please keep that in mind and take all this with a grain of salt.

Aion 2.0 gallery part 1


Aion 2.0 gallery part 2

Female chain armor 1Female chain armor 2Female chain armor 3Female chain armor 4Female cloth armor (Elyos?) 1
Female cloth armor (Elyos?) 2Female cloth armor (Elyos?) 3Female cloth armor (Elyos?) 4Female cloth armor (Elyos?)  - from Vision trailer 1Female cloth armor (Elyos?)  - from Vision trailer 2
Female cloth armor (Elyos?)  - from Vision trailer 3Female cloth armor (Asmodian?) 1Female cloth armor (Asmodian?) 22-0 Female012-0 Female02
Female leather armor 1Female leather armor 1Female leather armor 1

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One Response to Mo’ Kinah Mo’ Problems

  1. Mike says:

    We here at grind it out really appreciate you guys featuing our podcast. We are working hard to make sure each episode is good and insightful. We appreciate the support!

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