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A Suspicious Call


Go to Pandaemonium with Uikinerk, who delivered the message that you are urgently needed there.


Step 1. Talk with UikinerkA Shugo found near the Anair Harbor in Beluslan. There is something suspicious about him, though he’s supposedly running errands for someone high up in Pandaemonium..

Step 2. Talk with HaorunerkAn aging Shugo of the Black Cloud Traders. He disappeared right before his retirement, after boarding a merchant ship..

Step 3. Escape from the Steel Rake using the teleport scroll hidden in Haorunerk’s BagAn empty bag with a teleport scroll sewn into a secret pocket..

Step 4. Deliver news of Haorunerk to GarkbinerkA Black Cloud Trader at Black Cloud Island in Reshanta. She may appear naive, but don’t be fooled. in Reshanta.

Step 5. Deliver news of Haorunerk to Envoy Leader PayrinrinerkA Shugo envoy of the Black Cloud Traders at the Airship Dock in Pandaemonium. Normally free and easygoing, but has an extensive web of informants..

Category important
Race Asmodians
Location Beluslan
Quest Level41
Required Level40
Drop ItemsTeleport Scroll
Drop Probab.100%
First seen in version:1.5
Updated in version:3.0
In-Game Link


XP: 1974220

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One Response to A Suspicious Call

  1. yuii says:

    Who gives the quest?

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